Infrastructure planning

Some files on this page are in .pdf format. If you need more information contact the Engineering department on 9747 7200.

Engineering Design and Construction Standards

A new version of the Engineering Design and Construction Manual (2019) has been completed for use in land development.  To transition to this document, all engineering plans submitted after 30 June 2020 that are new or have not been approved by Council must be designed in accordance with the new 2019 version of the Engineering Design and Construction Manual.  Also, any new construction works occurring after 30 June 2020 must accord with the new manual.

 Engineering Design and Construction Manual

Engineering requirements for new developments and subdivisions are listed above.


Landscape Design and Construction

Melton City Council is committed to improving the standard of new developments within its municipality. The continuing high rate of urban growth provides an opportunity for Council to work with developers to ensure unified, attractive and sustainable parks, streetscapes and public outdoor areas are delivered within new developments. High standard landscapes can add value to existing areas and new subdivisions, and play a role in increasing civic pride, local identity and community ownership over the public domain.

The provision of open space and associated infrastructure in an area is determined by Precinct Structure Plans in growth areas, and by the Melton Planning Scheme, supported by the City of Melton Open Space strategy for existing areas. These documents will provide the context for new developments and should be considered in conjunction with the Landscape Guidelines.

Fees and charges

In order for Council to continue to provide quality landscape assessment and supervision services to the land development industry Council will now levy fees for those services. Detail of these fees can be found in the following letter sent to industry on 24 August 2017 Letter sent to Developers and Consultants.(PDF, 224KB)

Applications for the assessment of landscape design plans, supervision of landscape works or maintenance, fees or bonding enquiries are to submitted to the following email address:

Download a Landscape Bond Application: Application for Bonding of Landscape Works(DOCX, 206KB)

Landscape Guidelines

Landscape Guidelines for the City of Melton(PDF, 3MB)

The landscape guidelines document clarifies Council’s minimum requirements for landscaping standards in residential, commercial and industrial developments, and will assist all parties to:The landscape guidelines document clarifies Council’s minimum requirements for landscaping standards in residential, commercial and industrial developments, and will assist all parties to:

  • Meet Council’s documentation requirements;
  • Understand site conditions and gain the most from your land;
  • Consider context to create an informed and successful landscape; and
  • Achieve a high standard of landscape design.

Adherence to these Guidelines does not exempt the developer from meeting the requirements of the relevant environment, access and safety legislation.

Service Authority Applications

Service Authority applications consist of proposed utility works; including but not limited to sewer, water, electrical, public lighting, telecommunication and gas pipe works within an established road reserve or a new estate development.

For more information visit Service Authority applications webpage.

As-Constructed Asset Specs

D-Spec, R-Spec and O-Spec to be submitted to the email address:

As-Constructed Asset Specs comprise of drainage, road and open space information in GIS format. Note drainage information must be surveyed. For further information contact Council’s Asset Management and GIS Coordinator on 9747 7200.

Water Sensitive Urban Design Guidelines

Water Sensitive Urban Design Guidelines - Addendum(PDF, 1018KB) 
Water Sensitive Urban Design Guidelines(PDF, 2MB) 

The Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) Guidelines set out Melton City Council's expectation for WSUD projects within the municipality, to inform developers and consultants. The document provides information on the approval process, design considerations, suitability of WSUD types in different conditions and consideration of construction, protection, maintenance and handover of the WSUD assets.

  • pre application consultation
  • submission of conceptual design
  • submission of detailed design
  • climate data
  • source node rainfall runoff parameters
  • Melton Council approved water sensitive urban design treatment types
  • maintenance regimes

On-site stormwater detention guidelines

On-Site Stormwater Detention Guidelines(PDF, 1MB)

On-site Stormwater Detention Guidelines provide assistance for the selection and design of the stormwater management system that will enable control of the runoff discharge rates of development sites. On-site Stormwater Detentions Systems help to pacify the peak rate of stormwater run-off prior to entering Council stormwater drains.

Guidelines include;

  • on-site Stormwater Detention (OSD) Design and Construction Parameters
  • pre-construction submission requirements, drawings and calculations
  • post-construction submission requirements, plumber’s certificate and photos 

Off-street car parking guidelines

 Car Parking Guidelines - 2015(PDF, 2MB)

 The provision of car parking is a key element of a variety of developments and Council capital projects. This document, Off-Street Car Parking Guidelines – Melton City Council, has been produced to provide some guiding principles and minimum design guidelines required for commercial, industrial, public and large residential development car parks.

Works within Road Reserve

If any works are undertaken within an established municipal road reserve, then the works within road reserve application form needs to be filled out and submitted to council.

Works include;

Supply Extension, which consists of connecting consumers to a service provider by a utility by 100m of underground works or the installation of more than one pole in urban areas. In rural areas it is classified as 300m of underground works or 3 additional poles.

Landscape Works ex. planting several trees.

For a full list and more information visit Works within Road Reserve.