Advocacy Policy(PDF, 107KB)
Advocacy Priorities
Alcohol Harm Minimisation Policy(PDF, 376KB)
Allocation of Sport and Recreation Facilities Policy(PDF, 210KB)
Asset Management Policy(PDF, 173KB)
Audit & Risk Committee Charter(PDF, 186KB)
Build Over Easement Policy(PDF, 129KB)
Building Control Intervention Policy(PDF, 231KB)
CCTV (Assessment and Installation) Policy(PDF, 141KB)
CEO Employment and Remuneration Policy(PDF, 190KB)
Child Safe Policy(PDF, 189KB)
Children's Services Policies and Procedures
Citizenship Ceremony Dress Code(PDF, 190KB)
Civic Flag Policy(PDF, 132KB)
Code of Conduct (Councillors)(PDF, 136KB)
Code of Conduct (Employees)(PDF, 1MB)
Community Achievement Awards Policy(PDF, 183KB)
Community Bus Service Access Policy(PDF, 126KB)
Community Engagement Policy(PDF, 233KB)
Community Engagement Guidelines(PDF, 4MB)
Community Events Signage Policy(PDF, 223KB)
Community Facilities Access Policy(PDF, 124KB)
Community Funds Program Policy(PDF, 273KB)
Community Gardens Policy(PDF, 162KB)
Community Grants Program Policy(PDF, 191KB)
Community Infrastructure Planning Policy(PDF, 231KB)
Complaint Management Policy(PDF, 299KB)
Council Contribution to Fencing Costs(PDF, 322KB)
Council Expenses Policy(PDF, 212KB)
Councillor Gift Policy(PDF, 331KB)
Councillor Social Media Policy(PDF, 119KB)
Councillor Speaking Opportunity Protocol(PDF, 43KB)
Councillors as Candidates in State and Federal Elections Policy(PDF, 149KB)
COVID-19 Financial Assistance (Rates Charges) Policy(PDF, 43KB)
Credit Card Policy(PDF, 229KB)
Crossover Policy(PDF, 173KB)
Debt Collection Policy(PDF, 147KB)
Development and Infrastructure Contributions Policy(PDF, 133KB)
Dog Attack Policy(PDF, 268KB)
Election Period Policy(PDF, 1MB) (located Chapter 6, page 46 of the Governance Rules Policy)
Enterprise Risk Management Policy(PDF, 192KB)
Environmental Enhancement Program Policy(PDF, 169KB)
Events Policy(PDF, 124KB)
Fees & Charges Policy(PDF, 57KB)
Financial Assistance (Rates & Charges) Policy(PDF, 49KB)
Financial Reserves Policy(PDF, 58KB)
Fireworks Policy(PDF, 103KB)
Fraud and Corruption Control Policy(PDF, 111KB)
Gambling Harm Prevention and Reduction Policy(PDF, 75KB)
Gift and Merchandise Policy(PDF, 157KB)
Governance Rules(PDF, 1MB)
Graffiti Management Policy(PDF, 122KB)
Group Fitness and Personal Training - Use of Open Space Policy(PDF, 154KB)
Healthy Food and Drink Policy(PDF, 206KB)
Investment Policy Statement(PDF, 255KB)
Kindergarten Central Registration Policy(PDF, 262KB)
Lease and Licence Policy(PDF, 350KB)
Live Streaming and Publishing of Council Meetings Policy(PDF, 161KB)
Mayoral Community Initiative Policy(PDF, 160KB)
Media Policy(PDF, 158KB)
Men's Shed Policy(PDF, 145KB)
Mobile Food Vehicle Policy(PDF, 152KB)
Naming of Council Facilities Policy(PDF, 129KB)
Non Standard Public Lighting Policy(PDF, 678KB)
Online Engagement Policy(PDF, 396KB)
Outdoor Advertising Sign Sponsorship Policy(PDF, 615KB)
Photography and Images Policy(PDF, 112KB)
Policy Approval Process Policy(PDF, 275KB)
Political & Electoral Signage Policy(PDF, 223KB)
Privacy Policy(PDF, 237KB)
Procurement Policy(PDF, 356KB)
Public Art Policy(PDF, 450KB)
Public Internet Policy(PDF, 145KB)
Public Transparency Policy(PDF, 159KB)
Purchase of Outgoing Mayoral Gifts(PDF, 115KB)
Road Discontinuance Policy(PDF, 187KB)
Sale and Acquisition of Land Policy(PDF, 187KB)
Sport and Recreation Facility Development Policy(PDF, 302KB)
Telecommunication Facilities Policy(PDF, 168KB)
Traffic Calming Policy(PDF, 298KB)
Tree Planting, Inspection and Removal Policy(PDF, 966KB)
Unsightly or Fire/Storm Damaged Buildings Policy(PDF, 141KB)
Volunteers Policy(PDF, 189KB)