Pre Construction

Estate Subdivision Pre Construction

Once a permit is issued there are typically a number of next steps before works may commence.  Refer to your planning permit, as the permit will guide you through which documentation must be submitted and approved by Council (and/or other authorities) before works may commence. 

Construction and Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)

Council has prepared a set of Guidelines for the preparation of Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs) required under Planning Permit Applications for the development and subdivision of land. The Guidelines (April 2022, Rev1) can be downloaded: Guidelines for Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs)(PDF, 3MB)

CEMPs can be submitted by email to:

Council’s CEMP Guidelines incorporate elements of Melbourne Water’s Site Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Kit, which is the de facto industry standard. Therefore, we do not expect there will be major process changes in the way that most CEMPs are prepared. 

However, the Guidelines will streamline the process of preparing a CEMP by giving an indication of compulsory content, minimum standards expected, and by answering many of the common questions up front.  

Strict adherence to the Guidelines will also assist in streamlining Council’s internal review of submitted CEMPs, thereby reducing the time taken to reach approved status.

We also encourage staff who prepare and oversee implementation of CEMPs on construction sites to complete training in Site Environmental Management – Level 2 (also known as Green Card training).

Weed Management Plan (WMP)

Council has prepared a set of Guidelines for the preparation of Weed Management Plans, to be submitted in association with a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) as required under Planning Permit Applications for the development and subdivision of land.  The Guidelines (April 2022, Rev 1) can be downloaded: Guidelines for Weed Management Plans (CEMPs)(PDF, 2MB).  WMPs must be submitted by email to:

Strict adherence to the Guidelines will assist in streamlining Council's internal review of submitted CEMPs, thereby reducing the time taken to reach approved status. 

We also encourage staff who prepare and oversee implementation of WMPs on construction sites to complete training in Site Environmental Management - Level 2 (also known as Green Card training), which will assist in composing quality WMPs and ensuring their full implementation.

Traffic Management Plan

When conducting any works on a road, street, lane or footpath in the City of Melton you must submit a traffic management plan (TMP) to us.

Visit our Traffic Management Plan webpage for information.

Tree Protection/Native Vegetation

In the majority of cases, surveying of native vegetation was completed during preparation of the Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) and/or during the time-stamped mapping project.  Refer to the Native Vegetation Precinct Plan (NVPP) or Native Vegetation Removal Plan in the relevant Precinct Structure Plan, which will show native vegetation that may be removed (subject to sourcing offsets) and native vegetation that must be retained and protected. 

Your application must clearly demonstrate that the proposed development will not impact native vegetation to be retained.  Concept plans must demonstrate compliance with the relevant Native Vegetation Precinct Plan, i.e. clearly show native vegetation to be removed and native vegetation to be retained, including the required protection measures.  Typically, vegetation protection requirements are as follows:

  • Scattered trees: a radius of twice the canopy distance
  • Patches of native vegetation: at least 2m buffer around the patch of vegetation
  • Trees within patches: Tree Protection Zones in accordance with the Australian Standard for Protection of Trees on Development Sites; AS4970; 2009 - a distance of 12 times the diameter of the tree measured at 1.4m above the ground.  The maximum TPZ is 15m and the minimum TPZ is 2m: Tree Protection Zones - TPZ / SRZ Calculator

If your project area falls within the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy (BCS; DEPI 2013), then native vegetation was mapped during the time-stamped mapping project.  Native vegetation within a Biodiversity Conservation Strategy conservation area must be retained and protected.  Native vegetation outside conservation areas may be removed, unless a Native Vegetation Precinct Plan or Native Vegetation removal Plan specifies otherwise.

Development in the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy area is subject to the payment of habitat compensation fees to DELWP for the removal of native vegetation and/or the removal of habitat for threatened species (e.g. Growling Grass Frog, Striped Legless Lizard, Golden Sun-moth, Spiny Rice-flower).  You can estimate your habitat compensation obligations using the Estimate your obligations online tool

If your project area falls outside the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and outside a Precinct Structure Plan, then a site assessment must be conducted by a qualified ecologist.  Your planning permit application must be accompanied by a report by a suitably qualified ecologist and follow the Guidelines for the removal, destruction or lopping of native vegetation (DELWP 2017).  You must demonstrate efforts taken to avoid and minimise the removal of native vegetation and include an Offset Strategy.  Refer to the applicant’s guide.

Applications to remove native vegetation that is designated to be retained in a Native Vegetation Precinct Plan - If your proposal includes the proposed removal of native vegetation which is designated to be retained in a NVPP, then you must apply for a planning permit to remove that native vegetation under clause 52.16 of the Melton Planning Scheme.  Under clause 52.16, you must meet the application requirements outlined in the Guidelines for the removal, destruction or lopping of native vegetation (DELWP 2017).

Note: Council does not generally support the removal of native vegetation that is designated to be retained in a Native Vegetation Precinct Plan.  Your application must outline measures taken to avoid and minimise impact on native vegetation, outline site constraints and explain why the removal of native vegetation cannot be avoided.

Approval to work within road reserve

If any works are to be carried out within the municipal road reserve then an application form is to be submitted to Council.  Visit our Works within road reserve webpage.

Kangaroo Management Plan

Before works may commence, in most cases a Kangaroo Management Plan(PDF, 879KB) must be prepared by a suitably qualified ecologist and be approved by DELWP.  In some precincts, a Kangaroo Management Plan is an application requirement (e.g. Toolern) but in other precincts the Kangaroo Management Plan must be prepared and endorsed by DELWP before the certification of the Plan of Subdivision (e.g. Kororoit).  The Kangaroo Management Plan must follow the Guide to preparing a kangaroo management plan for Melbourne's growth corridors (DELWP draft 2014)(PDF, 879KB) and be endorsed by DELWP.   The DELWP approved Kangaroo Management Plan must then be submitted to Council and implemented to the satisfaction of Council and DELWP. [S1]

It should be noted that any changes to the order of stages of construction will require an updated Kangaroo Management Plan to be submitted to DELWP for approval.

Growling Grass Frog Requirements

Growling Grass Frog Conservation Management Plan - Toolern Precinct Structure Plan

If your subdivision or works is within the Toolern Precinct Plan and along the Toolern Creek, then you are likely to require a Growling Grass Frog Conservation Management Plan.  Refer to Figure 3 (page 45) of the Toolern Precinct Structure Plan for a map of areas subject to preparation of a Growling Grass Frog Conservation Management Plan (100m offset from the creekline).  

Prior to commencement of works, the Growling Grass Frog Conservation Management Plan must be approved by DELWP. 

Growling Grass Frog Conservation Areas

DELWP has prepared Growling Grass Frog Habitat Design Standards and Growling Grass Frog Crossing Design Standards.  All roads and crossings within the conservation areas must meet the Growling Grass Frog Crossing Design Standards.

Works in conservation areas 

Any new development or change in land-use within a Conservation Area identified in the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy will require approval from DELWP.

Proponents must submit a Works in a Conservation Area (WICA) application to DELWP.  Refer to DELWP Works in Conservation Areas guidelines. Council will request a copy of DELWP approvals before works may commence.


Offset obligations before native vegetation may be removed, you must provide written evidence to Council that you have met your offset obligations.  For precincts outside the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy area, offsets are specified in the relevant Native Vegetation Precinct Plan (e.g. Toolern).  In these cases, written evidence may be one or both of the following:

  • An established first party offset site including a security agreement signed by both parties, and a management plan detailing the 10 year management actions and ongoing management of the site; and/or
  • Credit extract(s) allocated to the permit from the native vegetation credit register.

For subdivisions outside a Precinct Structure Plan and outside the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy area, offsets are determined using the online Native Vegetation Information Management Tool.  Offset evidence is as described above.

Landscape Construction Pre-Commencement and Hold-Points Checklist

Prior to commencement of landscaping works, an onsite Pre-Commencement meeting with our Landscape Architect must be arranged.

For information download MCC_Landscape Construction Pre-Commencement and Hold-Points Checklist(PDF, 164KB) .

Civil Pre-Commencement Meeting

Prior to starting civil construction works, a Pre-commencement Meeting with Council's Infrastructure Planning team is required.

To apply, complete:

Pre-Commencement Meeting Application Form(DOCX, 59KB) 
Minimum requirements for Environmental Protection Measures Form(DOCX, 823KB) 

Native Vegetation - Offset Evidence

Before native vegetation may be removed, you must provide written evidence to Council that you have met your offset obligations. For precincts outside the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy area, offsets are specified in the relevant Native Vegetation Precinct Plan e.g. Toolern). In these cases, written evidence may be one or both of the following:

  • an established first party offset site including a security agreement signed by both parties, and a management plan detailing the 10 year management actions and ongoing management of the site; and/or Credit extract(s) allocated to the permit from the native vegetation credit register.
  • For subdivisions outside a Precinct Structure Plan and outside the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy area, offsets are determined using the online Native Vegetation Information Management Tool.
  • Hydro
  • Subdivision/Layout Plans - Refer to Detailed Engineering Plan First Submission Form
  • Planning Report