Works within Road Reserve


Melton City Council reviewed its Works within Road Reserve process to ensure it complies with the Road Management Act 2004. The Road Management Act is State Government Legislation that sets out certain standards that Council must follow in order to protect the road network.

How do I apply

If any works are to be carried out within the municipal road reserve then an application form is to be submitted to Council. Applications will require the following:

  • Contractor’s business insurance which covers public liability with a minimum amount of $10million.
  • A payment will be applicable as per the RMA  
  • Please attach any relevant Council approval letter or correspondence (refer to below information to see if you require Council approval).

Council will review your application and a written response will be issued within 10 business days. Works must not commence prior to receiving written consent. 

There are two options on the form:

  • Consent to Work within Road Reserve – (consent and payment required)
  • Notification of Proposed Work – (no consent or payment required) – Only choose this option if you are exempt under the Road Management Act 2004, or any other relevant Act or legislation.

Works within Road Reserve application 

Note: you will be prompted to either register or sign in enabling you to complete the application form.  Once you have registered/signed in, the Works within Road Reserve application form can then be located under Applications and Registrations, Roads and Engineering.

Submit your:  Works within Road Reserve online application

Guide to Work within the Road Reserve(PDF, 213KB)
Guide to Work within the Road Reserve(DOCX, 105KB)

Fee Table - Works within Road Reserve(PDF, 45KB)
Fee Table - Works within Road Reserve(DOCX, 63KB)

Please note: once works are completed you are obligated to notify Council via email: within 7 days after finishing. Council will then inspect the quality of the reinstatement. Your defect liability period begins upon receipt of your notification of completion.

Approval for Vehicle Crossover Works

If you are looking to construct a new crossover or conduct a variation to crossover you must have written approval from Council prior to applying for Works within Road Reserve.

Vehicle crossover works can be approved by either of the following:

  • ‘Variation to Crossover’ application
  • Planning permit (you must submit endorsed plans stamped by Council showing the location & dimensions of the proposed crossover)

 Alternatively, if you are just reconstructing your existing crossover and not altering the size or location of it then no prior approval will be required.

Please note:
 All vehicle crossover works will require an inspection by Council’s construction supervisor. Further details will be provided on the Consent letter. 

Sample Vehicle Crossover Application(PDF, 361KB)
Sample Vehicle Crossover Application(DOCX, 85KB)

Approval for Service Authority Works

The alignment of all proposed utility works – including but not limited to sewer, water, electrical, public lighting, gas and telecommunication works – must be checked by Council's Service Authority. Consent must be received prior to applying for Works within Road Reserve.

For more information visit the Service Authority applications page.

To request consent, engineering plans accompanied by a cover letter are to be submitted to Allow up to 10 business days for a response. 

Approval for Landscaping Works

If you are wanting to conduct any landscaping works on the nature strip an approval letter must be obtained from our Parks department prior to applying for Works within Road Reserve. You can email our Open Space Improvement Team Leader: You will need to supply the property owner’s details and address, proposed landscaping and a sketch outlining the proposal. For further information please refer to Council’s nature strip guidelines on our Nature strips webpage.

Approval for all other Works

If you are unsure if you’re works require approval, or need approval for works that has not been listed here: Please email and a Council officer will reply to your enquiry. 

Traffic Management

 Section 99A (3) of the Road Safety Act 1986 requires that ALL works undertaken on the road and road reserve must have in operation a Traffic Management Plan, which complies with Australian Standard “AS1742.3 Traffic Control Devices for Works on Roads.”  A Copy of the traffic management plan must be kept at the work site at all times when workers are present.

Further information on submitting Traffic Management Plans to Councils can be found on the traffic management plans page.