Western Plains South Green Wedge Management Plan

Council has prepared the Western Plains South Green Wedge Management Plan(PDF, 8MB).

Community consultation on the draft plan occurred between 15 May to 16 June 2023. Council received 23 submissions, and a total of 42 changes to the plan were adopted. A revised plan incorporating these changes was formally adopted at an ordinary Meeting of Council on 26 February 2024.

If you are unable to view the plan electronically, you can view a hard copy of the plan during office hours at the Melton Civic Centre, 232 High Street, Melton.

What is the Western Plains South Green Wedge?

The Western Plains South Green Wedge is one of 12 designated Green Wedge areas that form a ring around metropolitan Melbourne. Green Wedges are rural areas (non-urban) that lie outside of the Urban Growth Boundary and are areas of land with agricultural, environmental, historic, landscape, recreation and/or tourism value. Green Wedges provide a landscape buffer for urban and urban growth areas and are typically locations where minimal development is allowed.

The City of Melton has two designated Green Wedges – The Western Plains South and the Western Plains North.

The Melton section of the Western Plains South Green Wedge is shown in the map below, it spans across the southern area of the City of Melton and the north-western area of the City of Wyndham. The Western Plains South is characterised by wide open volcanic plains and scattered rare native grassland flora and fauna. 

More information on green wedges can be found at the Department of Transport and Planning’s website.

Western Plains South Green Wedge Management Plan Study Area.jpg

What is the Western Plains South Green Wedge Management Plan and why is it required?

Council is required by the State government to prepare a Green Wedge Management Plan for its green wedges.

The Western Plains South Green Wedge Management Plan is a draft document that identifies a vision, objectives and actions for the sustainable use and development for the Western Plains South Green Wedge located within the City of Melton. The plan identifies the issues and opportunities in the area, provides guidance for land use planning and land management and highlights opportunities for future projects in the area.

The plan follows on from previous work culminating in a background report in 2018 and consultation with stakeholders in 2019. The background report was prepared with Wyndham City Council for the entirety of the Western Plains South Green Wedge Area, however the proposed plan refers to the green wedge area within the City of Melton only and does not include the Western Plains South area that extends across the City of Wyndham. 

Supporting Documents

The City of Wyndham and the City of Melton together employed a single consultancy to provide a pair of background reports for the areas of the Western Plains South Green Wedge (WPSGW) within each municipality, with a single vision and shared principles incorporated into both Background Reports(PDF, 5MB).

The Background Report(PDF, 5MB) documents the findings of an initial information gathering study examining the current conditions within the WPSGW. The Background Report provides policy and geographical context and identifies issues and opportunities that can be developed further at the management plan stage.  

As part of the development of the background report, Round 1 of consultation was held between 7 May – 11 June, 2018 and included informal drop in sessions.  A summary of feedback received can be downloaded below.

Further consultation was conducted during November 2019 and involved six facilitated sessions across the study area. The purpose of these sessions was to inform the development of the Draft Management Plan.

A report from these sessions has been prepared and is available below.

A final round of consultation was held between 15 May to 16 June 2023 with letters sent both to all landowners and occupiers within this Green Wedge area, and to relevant agencies and community groups.

A project page was created on the Melton Conversations website which included the draft plan, a Frequently Asked Questions flyer, Background report, and previous consultation summary.

Council received 23 submissions and offered to meet with all submitters who raised concerns on matters within the scope of the project, prior to formally responding to their submissions. From the extensive feedback provided, a total of 42 changes to the plan were adopted.

Further information on the Western Plains South Green Wedge Management Plan project, please contact our City Strategy Team on 9747 7200 or email citysupport@melton.vic.gov.au