
What is VicSmart?

VicSmart is a simple and fast assessment process for straightforward planning permit applications

With the introduction of VicSmart two permit processes now apply in Victoria:

  • VicSmart planning permit process
  • the regular permit process.

Classes of application are identified in the planning scheme as being VicSmart and have specified requirements for information, assessment processes and decision guidelines.

Key features of VicSmart

  • applications will be decided within 10 business days
  • applications will be exempt from advertising
  • what Council can consider is pre-set
  • it simplifies the processing of applications

VicSmart provides more certainty to applicants about the decision-making process and the level of assessment required for each application.

A comprehensive range of information is available on the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) website

A guide has also been developed by the DTPLI to assist applicants: 

Is my application eligible for VicSmart?

The following minor application types are deemed to be VicSmart applications. VicSmart applications don't require notice or referral (other than a Special Building Overlay application). If your application does not fall into any of the categories listed below, it is not a VicSmart application, and would be processed under the regular permit process.

  • realign a boundary between two lots
  • subdivide land into two lots each containing an existing building or car parking space
  • subdivide land with an approved development into two lots
  • construct a front fence in a Residential Zone
  • construct a building or carry out works in a Commercial, Industrial Zone or a Mixed Use Zone
  • construct a fence in an overlay
  • remove, destroy or lop one tree
  • minor subdivision, minor building and works, painting or tree lopping in a Heritage Overlay
  • minor subdivision or buildings and works in a Special Building Overlay
  • display a sign in a Commercial or Industrial Zone
  • reduce the required number of car parking spaces
  • reduce or waive the loading / unloading requirements

Each of these VicSmart categories have criteria that must be met to qualify as a VicSmart application.



There are 12 Checklists available for each category to ensure you have the required information for the class of VicSmart application. If your proposal falls into more than one VicSmart class of application you will need to complete all the relevant checklists.


The process of a VicSmart application

The VicSmart permit process involves five simple steps to a decision

Step 1 - Prepare the application and meet with Council

Discuss the proposal with Statutory Planning to determine if VicSmart applies to your application, If so, review the merits of your proposal with a Council Planner and ensure all issues are resolved prior to lodgement. VicSmart applications are not afforded time after lodgement for Council Planners to negotiate with applicants to resolve problems or seek amended plans.

Step 2 - Submit the application with fee

The fee is paid when the application is submitted with all the required information attached.

Step 3 - Request for further information

Once the application has been lodged with Council, a formal request can be made within 5 business days for further information. The request for further information will be in writing and set out the information to be provided, as well as a date by which it must be submitted. The VicSmart application will lapse if the information is not submitted by the date specified (unless a request to extend is made earlier in writing). As VicSmart is a fast track process, there will be no public notification, statutory referrals or correspondence about the merits of the application.

Step 4 - Assess the application

A Council officer assess the application against the decision guidelines and provisions of State and Local planning policy.

Step 5 - Decide the application

Once Council has undertaken its assessment, a decision will be made to either issue a Planning Permit or Refuse to Grant a Planning Permit.

Your right to appeal

Under VicSmart you have the right to a review by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) after 10 business days if no decision has been issued by council, however, you are not compelled to do so. Before applying to VCAT, please check with Statutory Planning as to when a decision will be made. Also, if you disagree with Council's decision after it has been issued you may appeal to VCAT for a review of the decision.

What you are required to lodge for a VicSmart application

Before lodging an application, an applicant should discuss the proposal with Statutory Planning to:

  • see if it is a VicSmart application
  • determine the information needed and decision guidelines that apply to the application
  • consider whether any specialist advice is needed prior to lodgement
  • obtain any checklists or other information that will help the applicant to prepare the application.

Speaking with Council before you apply helps to ensure that an application is lodged with the right information. The pre application meeting is particularly important given that there will be no opportunity during the assessment process to discuss the merits of the application or negotiate a resolution.

The information that must be supplied with a VicSmart application is:

  • an accurately completed application form (including reference to pre application meetings)
  • application fee (all applications require a fee - please contact council for the appropriate fee or see fee schedule)
  • copy of the property title; which must include: the covering 'register search statement', the title diagram and the associated title documents known as 'instruments', for example, restrictive covenants.
  • all the information requirements as set out in Clause 93 or in the Schedule to Clause 95 of the Melton Planning Scheme and summarised in the VicSmart Checklists Signed declaration on the application form.

VicSmart application form

You can download the VicSmart Application Form(DOC, 426KB) or give the Statutory Planning Department a call on 9747 7200 and they can provide you with one.

Where to lodge the application

Melton City Council
232 High Street, Melton
PO Box 21,

Phone 03 9747 7200

VicSmart Frequently Asked Questions

See the VicSmart FAQs(DOC, 24KB) for further information about the process and requirements.

For further information please contact the Statutory Planning department on 03 9747 7200.