Sport and Recreation Strategies, Policies & Plans

Melton City Council continuously develops a range of strategic documents to guide the future planning, development and growth of Sport and Recreation within the city.

For a listing of Strategies, Policies, Plans & Reports, visit our Documents | Reports | Strategies webpage.

Key strategic documents are listed below:

Allocation of Sport and Recreation Facilities Policy - Fair Access in Sport Action Plan

Sport and active recreation are vital to the City of Melton’s culture, fostering health, wellbeing, and social connection. As our diverse and growing population drives higher demand for sports infrastructure, strategic planning and facility management are crucial to meeting current and future needs.  A Fair Access Policy Roadmap was developed by the Victorian Government’s Office for Women in Sport and Recreation, Sport and Recreation Victoria and VicHealth to improve access to community sports infrastructure for women and girls.

On September 16, 2024, Council adopted its Allocation of Sport and Recreation Facilities Policy(PDF, 60KB) and accompanying Fair Access in Sport Action Plan(PDF, 40KB)

The Policy and Action Plan aim to:

  1. ensure equitable access to sports and recreation facilities
  2. address barriers to participation for women, girls, and underrepresented groups
  3. promote inclusivity and diversity across community sport and recreation
  4. optimise the use of the City of Melton’s community sports and recreation facilities

These measures reflect Council’s commitment to creating a more inclusive and equitable sports environment, ensuring all members of the community can participate and thrive.

Download: Allocation of Sport and Recreation Facilities Policy(PDF, 60KB)

City of Melton Cricket Strategy

Project Background

The City of Melton Cricket Strategy has been developed to outline the strategic priorities and actions that will support the sustainable growth of cricket across the municipality.

Key principals

The amount of growth and change likely to be experienced across the municipality by 2032 is significant.  The Cricket Strategy has been developed to help plan for this change, providing Council with a plan that is supported by evidence and flexible over time.

The development of the Cricket Strategy supports the cricket community by:

  • Ensuring new communities have the right number and type of facilities to support the growth of cricket
  • Prioritising investment in facilities that support the creation of vibrant and sustainable clubs
  • Collaborating with clubs and associations to provide diverse participation opportunities
  • Working in partnership with government, developers, Cricket Australia and Cricket Victoria to fund and deliver priority projects
  • Addressing legacy issues with existing facilities and clubs, and ensuring equitable opportunities to participate locally 

Related information

Download the City of Melton Cricket Strategy(PDF, 2MB)

For further information contact our Recreation team on 9747 7200 or email:

City of Melton Football (AFL) Strategy

Project Background

The City of Melton Football (AFL) Strategy has been developed to outline the strategic priorities and actions that will support the sustainable growth of football across the municipality.

Key principals

The amount of growth and change likely to be experienced across the municipality by 2032 is significant.  The Football (AFL) Strategy has been developed to help plan for this change, providing Council with a plan that is supported by evidence and flexible over time.

The development of the Football (AFL) Strategy supports the football community by:

  • Ensuring new communities have the right number and mix of facilities to support participation in football now and through its growth over time
  • Planning the right mix and ensuring that all venues provide a quality experience for all users.
  • Investing in facilities that support the creation of vibrant and sustainable clubs.
  • Working in partnership with government, developers and AFL Victoria to fund and deliver priority projects
  • Collaborating with clubs and leagues to provide diverse participation opportunities.
  • Supporting existing clubs through facility renewal programs and club development resources.
  • Addressing legacy issues and growing pains with existing facilities and clubs, ensuring equitable opportunities to participate locally. 

Related information

Download the City of Melton Football Strategy(PDF, 2MB)

For further information contact our Recreation team on 9747 7200 or email:

City of Melton Soccer Strategy 2020

Contractor: Otium Planning Group

Project Background

The City of Melton Soccer Strategy 2020 was endorsed by Council at its Ordinary Meeting of Council on 14 September 2020.  The strategy is recognised as an important piece of work, providing a guide to the future planning, development and growth of the world game in our city.

Key principals

With such municipal growth, a detailed analysis of the long-term soccer participation requirements was needed to guide the future planning and development of soccer facilities across the municipality for the next 10 years. 

The Strategy focuses on the facilities and infrastructure required to play the game and responds to issues and opportunities facing the sport within the City of Melton. 

An extensive background research, site review and engagement process was conducted including interviews with all current City of Melton soccer clubs and Football Victoria. 

The City of Melton Soccer Strategy 2020 summarises the findings of all research and engagement and outlines:

  • Strategic vision and recommendations
  • a prioritised implementation plan for the delivery of soccer facilities in the short (0 to 5 years), medium (6 to 10 years) and long term (10 years)
  • a sustainable planning framework or road map for the delivery of soccer facilities and creation of soccer clubs for short term recommendations
  • a governance framework identifying the roles and responsibilities of strategy partners

Next steps

Recommendations have been designed to provide sport, government and community stakeholders with a schedule of prioritised improvements, along with stakeholder responsibilities, estimated costs and potential funding opportunities.

It should be acknowledged that priorities can change and are based on funding availability. The presentation of new or unknown opportunities or changes in community demands can also alter priorities.

Related Information

Download the Melton Soccer Strategy Summary Report(PDF, 5MB)

For further information contact our Recreation team on 9747 7200 or email:

City of Melton Tennis Stratgey

Project background

The City of Melton Tennis Strategy 2024 has been developed to provide Council with a comprehensive guide for the future planning, development, governance, and growth of tennis over the next 10 years.

Key Principles

The anticipated growth and transformation within the municipality by 2034 is substantial. The Tennis Strategy has been devised to anticipate these changes, equipping Council with an evidence based and adaptable plan.

The development of The City of Melton Tennis Strategy 2024 supports the tennis community by:

  • Ensuring that new communities have the appropriate number and type of facilities to support the growth of tennis
  • Prioritising investment in facilities that support the creation of sustainable clubs and improves access to courts for recreational tennis
  • Working in partnership with government, developers, Tennis Victoria and Tennis Australia to fund and deliver priority projects
  • Collaborating with clubs, associations, coaches and other stakeholders to provide diverse participation opportunities
  • Addressing legacy issues with existing facilities, clubs and coaches, ensuring equitable opportunities to participate locally.

Related Information

Download the City of Melton Tennis Strategy(PDF, 2MB)

For further information contact our Recreation team on 9747 7200 or email:

Diggers Rest Recreation Reserve Master Plan

Project Background

The Diggers Rest Recreation Reserve is highly valued by the local community and is presently the Diggers Rest townships sole recreational facility, servicing a range of sport, recreation and community groups.

In April 2017, Council commenced the development of a Diggers Rest Recreation Reserve Master Plan to demonstrate a planned, staged and agreed vision for the site.

Key principles

In developing an updated Master Plan, Council was able to identify future reserve development opportunities that are designed to address the current and future sporting club and community needs of Diggers Rest, as well as increasing activation of the reserve.

Five key master plan themes underpin the design direction of the Diggers Rest Recreation Reserve -

  1. Facilities – provide fit for purpose community infrastructure and social amenities to support our growing and diverse community.
  2. Accessibility and site connectivity - Improve site attractiveness, safety, accessibility and connectivity in order to attract more visitation to the reserve.
  3. Community infrastructure and social amenity – provide infrastructure to support passive and informal recreational pursuits.
  4. Sports field provision and suitability – provide fit for purpose sporting infrastructure to meet the training and competition requirements for local level sport.
  5. Reserve and Facility Management - Maximise the opportunity for co-location and shared-use of facilities. 

Next steps

The Diggers Rest Recreation Reserve Master Plan provides a set of future directions and recommendations for approximately 36 separate but interconnected improvement projects for the reserve.

Recommendations have been designed to provide sport, government and community stakeholders with a schedule of prioritised Reserve improvements, along with stakeholder responsibilities, estimated costs and potential funding opportunities.

The adoption of the Master Plan will provide a sound base for Council and the community to lobby the state and federal governments for funding assistance for proposed works.

It should be acknowledged that priorities can change and are based on funding availability. The presentation of new or unknown opportunities or changes in community demands can also alter priorities.

Related Information

Download the Diggers Rest Recreation Reserve Master Plan(PDF, 4MB).

For further information contact our Recreation team on 9747 7200 or email:

Group Fitness and Personal Training - Use of Public Open Space Policy

The purpose of the Group Fitness and Personal Training – Use of Public Open Space Policy is to provide guidelines to support the management of group fitness and personal training in Council owned/managed open spaces that encourages increased participation in physical activity, whilst maintaining equitable access to the broader community.

Download the: Group Fitness and Personal Training – Use of Public Open Space Policy(PDF, 154KB) 

MacPherson Park Recreation Reserve Future Directions Paper

Project Background

MacPherson Park Recreation Reserve is Councils principal recreational facility, servicing community sporting clubs and groups from the local and broader region.

In April 2017, Council commenced the development of a MacPherson Park Recreation Reserve Future Directions Paper, inclusive of updated Master Plan to demonstrate a planned, staged and agreed vision for the site. 

Key principles

Three key principles underpin the design direction of MacPherson Park Recreation Reserve - 

  1. Maximise the opportunity for co-location and shared-use of pavilions and sporting facilities that are fit for purpose.
  2. Improve site attractiveness, safety, accessibility and connectivity in order to attract more visitation to the reserve.
  3. Enhance the amenity and attractiveness of the reserve for non-sport uses, whilst not detracting from the quality and functionality of the sporting areas.

Next steps

The MacPherson Park Recreation Reserve Future Directions Paper provides a set of directions and recommendations for approximately 50 separate but interconnected improvement projects for the reserve.

Recommendations have been designed to provide sport, government and community stakeholders with a schedule of prioritised Reserve improvements, along with stakeholder responsibilities, estimated costs and potential funding opportunities.

The adoption of the Future Directions Paper will provide a sound base for Council and the community to lobby the state and federal governments for funding assistance for proposed works.

It should be acknowledged that priorities can change and are based on funding availability. The presentation of new or unknown opportunities or changes in community demands can also alter priorities. 

Related Information

Download the MacPherson Park Recreation Reserve Future Directions Paper(PDF, 5MB) .

For further information contact our Recreation team on 9747 7200 or email:

Sport and Recreation Facility Development Policy

The purpose of the Sport and Recreation Facility Development Policy is to guide Council’s decision making in relation to the provision of sport and recreation facilities in the City of Melton and provide a framework for Council to enter into partnerships with community groups to contribute towards the development of sport and recreation facilities.

Download the: Sport and Recreation Facility Development Policy(PDF, 302KB)

For further information contact our Recreation team on 9747 7200 or email: