Litter and dumped rubbish

Litter is one of our major environmental problems. It is anything left where it is not meant to be and includes illegal dumping of any materials.

Litter damages the environment and our health. Litter on our streets gets into gutters and finds its way into creeks, rivers and oceans. Plastic breaks down but only into smaller pieces which wildlife can mistake for food. Litter leaches chemicals into waterways over time.

Dumped materials can also be harmful to human health, especially if they contain dangerous substances. If you come across unknown chemicals or materials you think may be asbestos - do not attempt to handle or clean them up. Instead, contact Council immediately on 9747 7200. An experienced staff member will attend to the site as soon as possible to assess the dumped items.

Report littering and dumped rubbish

On average per year, close to 3500 tonnes of illegally dumped litter is collected in the City of Melton.

Our Litter Prevention team investigate reports of littering each and every day, but, like any City with the geographic spread and rapid growth of ours, we need your assistance in keeping our Municipality and assets protected and clean.

Please read the information below before filling out the form.

For all instances of dumped waste that were not witnessed, please complete the general enquiry form.

If you witness dumping occurring or find identification within dumped waste, please complete:

Please note: all mandatory field must be completed, otherwise the form will not be processed.  If the fine is not paid, or if the matter is contested, you may be required to give evidence in court.  Please only lodge a report if you are willing to do so.

The form enables you to send us information that could lead to a fine or prosecution of someone who has littered or dumped waste.

Additional details such as the number plate, type of vehicle, date, time and other identification of the dumper are also useful, but only if you can obtain this information safely.  It is important that you do not approach dumpers or touch rubbish (this may make any evidence inadmissible in court).

Litter fines

If you commit a littering offence you can be fined a minimum of $370.

Council takes littering seriously as this behaviour adversely affects the environment and the amenity of our community spaces. Furthermore, the mindset of littering often leads to dumping behaviours and hazards. Offenders may be summoned to appear in court.

The Environment Protection Authority of Victoria may also become involved.

Littering and dumped items include:

Littering and dumping includes:

  • rubbish, TVs and furniture put on naturestrips/roadsides and outside charity op shops etc
  • soil and other building materials left outside a construction site
  • putting household or business rubbish in a public litter bin
  • advertising material placed under windscreen wipers
  • notices and posters placed on buildings, poles etc without prior permission
  • rubbish thrown from motor vehicles
  • cigarette butts, live or extinguished

Overflowing bins

All kerbside bins must have their lids fully closed. Please contact us on your waste collection day to report street litter from bins. If it's caused by windy weather, we can ask our service providers to clean up the street that day.

We appreciate members of the community letting us know about significant litter. If it's an ongoing issue, Council can write to the resident of the property that is causing the litter problem.

Overfilled bins may be referred to the Local Laws department, and the householder may be required to clean up mess from their bins.

Dispose of rubbish legally

  • If items can be re-used you can take them to the Resale Centre at no charge.
  • Council offers a hard waste collection service.  Our hard waste service is a convenient way to dispose of your unwanted household items.  For more information and to book your collection visit our Hard waste webpage.