Transfer Station


33 Ferris Road, Cobblebank (formerly Melton South: Melway 343 H1)


Open 7 days from 8am. Last entry by 4.30pm: please ensure you allow enough time to unload and exit before gates close.

The Facility is open every day of the year except Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday and Anzac Day.

Conditions of entry to the Melton Recycling Facility(PDF, 254KB)

The Transfer Station accepts two types of "waste":

  • Household materials such as mattresses, green waste, concrete, clean fill, timber, metals and tyres. These items are processed for specialist recycling where possible, or disposed of if necessary, in accordance with environmental and legislative requirements.
  • Household residual waste consists of materials that cannot be recycled. It is transported to the Melbourne Regional Landfill (MRL: also known as "the tip") in Ravenhall, owned and operated by waste company Cleanaway.

 If you have a mix of free recycling and waste, visit the Recycling Centre before heading through to the gatehouse.

Please note:

  • the Transfer Station can not accept toxic, contaminated or industrial waste including asbestos and chemicals.
  • loads more than three cubic metres will be charged in tonnage rate only.

Transfer Station Gatehouse fees

Residual waste taken from our Transfer Station to the Melbourne Regional Landfill is charged by volume, and is determined by transportation costs and the State Government levy.

The following fees apply as of 1 July 2024. We reserve the right to make necessary changes to fees and entitlements, and notify the community of these changes. 

2024 / 2025 Melton Recycling Facility fees and charges



Waste Charge
City of Melton Residents Non-residents

Mixed waste

Car boot load



Mixed waste

Station wagon



Mixed waste

1/2 Cubic Metre



Mixed waste

1 Cubic Metre



Mixed waste

Per Tonne (over 3m3)



Green Waste

Car boot load



Green Waste

Station Wagon

Green Waste

1/2 Cubic Metre

Green Waste

1 Cubic Metre

Green Waste

Per Tonne (over
*Inert Waste

Clean Inert 1/2 Cubic Metre $35.00 $44.00
Clean Inert 1 Cubic Metre $70.00 $90.00
Clean Inert
Per Tonne (over
Mixed Inert 1/2 Cubic Metre $58.00 $70.00
Mixed Inert 1 Cubic Metre $116.00 $140.00
Mixed Inert
Per Tonne (over


Bicycle Per tyre $6.00 $10.00
Car / Motorbike Per tyre $12.00 $18.00
Light Truck & 4WD Per tyre $18.00 $25.00
Truck Tyres (max 1100mm) Per tyre $44.00 $54.00

Other Materials

Rims Per rim FREE $5.00
Gas Bottles (up to 9 kgs) Per Gas Bottle FREE $10.00
Mattresses/Base Per mattress/base $35.00 $45.00
Non Drum Muster
approved drums
Per drum
Small E-waste Per item FREE FREE
Medium E-waste Per item FREE FREE
Large E-waste Per item FREE FREE
Fridges & Air
Per item

*Inert Waste: clean fill, concrete, bricks, rubble, bitumen, asphalt

  • Clean Inert: any single inert waste item, i.e. just concrete or just bricks by itself.
  • Mixed Inert: any inert items that are mixed together, i.e. concrete and bricks mixed together.


Waste entitlements

If you are receiving a Council kerbside waste collection service, including both tenants and owners, you can access waste entitlements:

  • Two hard waste collections up to 3m3 from within your property boundary.  Bookings essential.  Visit our Hard waste webpageor

  • Two visits to the Melton Recycling Facility with a car or trailer up to 1m3.  Access for ratepayers is available by scanning your rates notice or quoting your Rates Assessment Number.  Residential tenants can access these options by applying in advance.  Proof of residency is required, or

  • One visit to the Melton Recycling Facility and one At Home hard waste collection

Tenants who need to apply in advance can contact us and will need to provide a utility bill as proof of residency and a letter authorising entitlements will be arranged.

Please note: Waste entitlements expire at the end of each financial year, 30 June. Hard Waste collection requests must be submitted by 16 June to guarantee collection before entitlement expiry.


Gate fees apply to further visits and to other types of vehicles such as larger trailers. Trucks are not permitted. The City of Melton's gate fees are reviewed each year and remain among the lowest  in metropolitan Melbourne. 

Residents should always refer to their rates notice for details of entitlements and relevant expiry dates. 

Please note:

  • Residents are required to show proof of residency or they will be charged a non-resident rate
  • Heavy earthmoving, grader or tractor tyres are not accepted.
  • Fees and charges are subject to change and are reflective of the operating, transport, management and disposal costs for all materials collected.  This includes the State Government landfill levy which is applied by all landfill sites and is also subject to change.

Contact the Melton Recycling Facility on 9747 5902 or our Customer Service team on 9747 7200.