Melton Youth Network (MYN)
The Melton Youth Network (MYN) is a group that meets monthly to discuss, advocate for and address local issues relevant to young people. The City of Melton has the highest youth population in Victoria with approximately 18,000 young people between the ages of 12-25 in one of the fastest growing communities in Australia (2006).
The network's role is to:
- advocate for change
- identify local issues
- share information
- provide an opportunity for secondary consultation
- develop and implement an Annual Action Plan
Sub groups assist MYN with the necessary working component related to the Action Plan.
MYN distributes youth-related information to local government and youth-specific services. The network is also an avenue for youth related agencies to feed their concerns to Council.
The network takes an active part in guiding youth policy in cooperation with the Melton City Council. MYN meetings take place at the Melton Learning Hub.
Information sharing
If your agency or school has any information they would like to share with the MYN group please contact Young Communities on 9747 5373 or email:
Melton City Council’s Young Communities is responsible for the database of MYN members. The Young Communities team will update and maintain the register of all members' contact details. Any new members to MYN can forward their details to, or call 9747 5373.