Interfaith Strategy 2018-2021

The Interfaith Strategy 2018-2021(PDF, 1MB) provides a direction for Council’s work in the interfaith area. The Strategy concentrates on the key focus areas to augment Council’s capacity to meet the growing needs of our faith and general communities through the lenses of interfaith dialogue and religious pluralism by building relationship, capacity, collaboration and partnership. 

The Strategy is developed in response to a number of Key Actions of the Melton Intercultural Plan 2017-2021 to provide a safe and nurturing environment for our community to work on the principles of social cohesion to achieve social harmony where everyone feels a sense of belonging and their contribution is valued in a mutually respectful atmosphere.

Considering relevant Key Action of the Intercultural Plan namely 1.3.3 Develop City of Melton Interfaith Strategy to guide Council’s direction in serving increasingly diverse faith communities, the Strategy aims to work towards an inclusive community that embraces and values faith diversity and promotes interfaith harmony and religious pluralism through the following key focus areas:

  • Build sustainable relationship
  • Enhance interfaith capacity
  • Foster collaborative partnership

These key focus areas emerged following community and key agencies consultation covering a vast range of faith groups and relevant organisations.