Guidelines and other helpful resources

Council is pleased to provide the following resources to support local community groups, organisations and residents to assist in applying for Council grants and funding.

For any further support, email: or call 9747 7247 during office hours.

Community Grants Program Guidelines

This document outlines detailed rules and processes of the program, that both the applicant and Council must follow.

Download a copy of the Guidelines(PDF, 3MB)

Mayoral Charity Fund Guidelines

This document outlines detailed rules and processes of the program, that both the applicant and Council must follow.


Resident Achievement Fund Guidelines

This document outlines detailed rules and processes of the program, that both the applicant and Council must follow.

 Download a copy of the Guidelines(PDF, 2MB)


FairGo 4 Youth Fund Guidelines

This document outlines detailed rules and processes of the program, that both the applicant and Council must follow.

 Download a copy of the Guidelines(PDF, 2MB) 

FairGo 4 Youth Fund Activity Provider List

Download a list of all available Activity Providers: Activity Provider List(PDF, 230KB)   

New Groups Fund Guidelines

This document outlines detailed rules and processes of the program, that both the applicant and Council must follow.

 Download a copy of the Guidelines(PDF, 5MB)


Project Officer Listing

This document lists all suitable Council Officers that Grant Applicants can contact to discuss their proposed project.

Download: Project Officer Listing(PDF, 164KB)


Auspice Information

This document outlines some important information for auspice arrangements.

Download: Auspice Information(PDF, 176KB) 

Sample responses: Community Grant Application

These document provides sample responses to the grant application.

Event Management Guide

This document provides a comprehensive overview of planning and delivering your next event.

Download: Event Management Guide(PDF, 1MB) 

Melton City Council and Wellbeing Plan

This document sets out the strategic and planning direction for Council and the community over (2021-2025).

Download: Melton City Council and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025(PDF, 6MB) 

Frequently Asked Questions

Download: Frequently Asked Questions(PDF, 223KB)

What is the best source of information on Council’s Grants and Funds programs?

It is recommended that all applicants become familiar with the relevant program guidelines. These can be accessed via the Community Grants website (refer to Guidelines and Helpful Resources tab).

What is the difference between a Community Grant and a Community Fund?

Community Grants are available for incorporated organisations to fund, or partially fund, community projects. Up to $5,000 per project ($10,000 per financial year) is available, and an independent assessment panel will assess all applications bi-monthly.

Community Funds are smaller amounts of money for:

  • New groups establishing within the City of Melton City Council (up to $1,500)
  • Individuals invited or selected to participate at higher than local levels in their chosen field (up to $2,000)
  • Young people between ages of 8 – 16 years requiring financial assistance to participate in an extra-curricular activity (up to $400 or $600 if the applicant has a diagnosed disability).

Community Funds are reviewed and processed upon application being received.

What is an Auspice Arrangement?

If you are applying for a Council Community Grant and your group is not incorporated, you need to arrange for a legally constituted organisation (incorporated organisation) to handle any funds that are received from the grant program for your group; this is called an Auspice.

How long are Community Grant round applications open for?

Grant rounds are typically open for a two-month period. Submitting your application well before the round closure date provides the opportunity for application feedback and improvement. For detailed round timelines, refer to the Community Grant Guidelines on the Melton City Council website.

When will I hear the outcome of my grant application?

Melton City Council aim to advise applicants within 8 weeks of the grant round closure. You need to factor this into your proposed projects given grant funding cannot be retrospective. For detailed round timelines, refer to the Community Grant Guidelines on the Melton City Council website.

What Community Grant should I apply for?

The program has five (5) grant categories. These include the following:

  • The Arts
  • Sports & Hobbies
  • Healthy & Safe Living
  • Festivals, Events & Culture
  • Environment & Nature

When selecting a grant type, choose the category that is most relevant to your project.

What documents do I need to prepare for a Community Grant application?
  • Proof of not-for-profit status in the form of an incorporation certificate or organisation constitution proving charitable status
  • Proof of Public Liability Insurance of at least $10 million
  • Written quotes for all goods and services from ABN registered suppliers, aligned with their primary purpose of their business. One written quote for items valued at over $250 and two written quotes for items valued at over $1,000.
What documents do I need to prepare for a Resident Achievement fund application?
  • Proof of residency, such as driver's licence, rental agreement or rates notice
  • Invitation to attend, letter of qualification or selection
  • Proof of costs associated with attending the event
What documents do I need to prepare for a FairGo 4 Youth fund application?
  • Proof of age document, such as a passport or birth certificate
  • Proof of residency, such as driver's licence, rental agreement or rates notice
  • Evidence of requiring financial support, such as concession card, health care card or completed referral form.
What documents do I need to prepare for a New Groups fund application?
  • Written quotes for all goods and services from ABN registered suppliers, aligned with their primary purpose of their business. One written quote for items valued at over $250 and two written quotes for items valued at over $1,000.
  • Incorporated certificate (if available)
Is there anyone at Council who can help me with my grant application?

Yes absolutely! Contact the Grants team on or phone 9747 7247.

How are grant funds paid to applicants?

Council will arrange for funding to be paid into the groups bank account once funding agreements are signed, snippet of bank account and completed creditor form is received. Payment will be made within two (2) weeks of the documents received.

What if my project changes after receiving a community grant?

All project changes require the completion and approval of a variation form (via SmartyGrants) prior to the change being made. This is a formal amendment to the funding agreement.  Please request a variation form to be set up in SmartyGrants by emailing:

What is an acquittal?

Successful applications of a Community Grant, Resident Achievement Fund and New Groups Fund, will be required to submit an end of project report (acquittal report) after the finish date of your project. An acquittal report will ask you to prove the funds were spent as listed in the Funding Agreement, and photo evidence of the project.

What do I need to prepare for an acquittal report?
  • It is mandatory that receipts are kept for all purchases made with the funds
  • Photo evidence of the project.
What is GST (Goods and Services Tax)?

Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a tax of 10% on the sale of most goods and services consumed in Australia. If you are successful in receiving a Community Grant from Council and:

  • Your group is registered for GST: You will need to provide Council with your GST registration name and a 10% GST payment will be added to your grant
  • If your group is not registered for GST your grant will not include a 10% GST payment.
How do I hire council owned venues?

Melton City Council has a range of venues for hire which are suitable for a wide variety of purposes including meetings, birthday parties and other special events. To book a suitable venue, visit out Venues for hire webpage.

Other helpful documents

Grant Assessment Criteria

To better understand how your application will be assessed, please refer to the Scoring Matrix(PDF, 208KB)