Volcano dreaming resources
This exhibition is designed to bring attention to the precarious existence of one of the world’s most endangered ecosystems, the wildflower grasslands of the Western Volcanic Plains that stretch from Melbourne, across most of southern Victoria over the border into South Australia.
Since the arrival of the Europeans in the early nineteenth century, this natural landscape has been transformed dramatically, destroying much of the original flora and fauna on these expansive western plains. Some animals and plants have been driven to extinction, while the existence of many others is marginal and severely under threat.
In our current era many individuals, groups and organisations are making efforts to study, protect, conserve and regenerate many of these threatened animal and plant species, and better understand the ecosystem complex that has nurtured them. This exhibition aims show you something of the original world of the western plains, what has happened to it, what is being done to help preserve what remains of it and what you can do to help.
An exhibition of this type could not have been produced without the dedicated input of many individuals and groups and we thank the many people and groups who have made invaluable contributions.
Funding for this project was made possible by EPA Victoria’s Inspiring Environmental Solutions program.Funds were granted through the Magistrate’s court to Iramoo Sustainable Community Centre, Victoria University, to support this community environment project.Design, research, text photography and digital construction, by Peter Haffenden and Kerrie Poliness, Inherit Earth, 2009 – 11.
Many of the beautiful species photographs included in this exhibition have been taken while conducting field work, by people dedicated and passionate about the protection and preservation of the unique biodiversity of the Victorian Volcanic Plains.Copyright of each of these images remains with each of the individual photographers and Inherit Earth.
For more information go to Volcano Dreaming. There are extensive notes and research links that go with the exhibition. The exhibition is available for use by schools and community groups in the City Of Melton. Please contact the Environmental Education Officer on 9747 7200.
Curriculum materials have been written by Ecolinc for levels 4 to 7 in a program called Footprints related to the Volcano Dreaming exhibition. The educational materials includes teacher and student notes, numbered ID of flora and fauna, and links to the Ecolinc i-phone app on flora and fauna, and are an excellent resource for local teachers.The curriculum was jointly developed by Melton City Council and Ecolinc staff. Some schools in Melton are eligible for free transport and tuition at Ecolinc. For further information please contact Ecolinc directly.