Weeds and pest animals


Weeds or pest plant problems on private and public land increase with poor land management and climatic conditions, resulting in poor land and stock productivity and threatening the integrity of native vegetation communities. A list of priority weed species in the Melton Council area can be found within Council's Environmental Enhancement Policy. 

Serious weeds that must be controlled and not allowed to set seed

  • Serrated Tussock* (Nasella trichotoma)
  • Artichoke Thistle* (Cynara cardunculus)
  • Paterson’s Curse* (Echium plantagineum
  • African Boxthorn* (Lycium fercoissimum)
  • Prairie Ground Cherry* (Physalis viscosa)
  • Chilean Needle Grass* (Nassella neesiana) 

Weeds that are a second priority for control

  • Spiny Rush* (Junctus acutus)
  • Hoary Cress* (Cardaria draba)
  • Gorse* (Ulex europaeus)
  • Bathurst Burr* (Xathium spinosum)
  • Sweet Briar* (Rosa rubiginosa)
  • Blackberry* (Rubus fruticosus)
  • Horehound* (Marrubium vulgare)
  • Galenia (Galenia pubescens)
  • Prickly pear* (Opuntia stricta)
  • African thistle (Berkheya rigida)
  • Spear Thistle* (Cirsium vulgare)
  • Wild Mignonette* (Reseda luteola) 

*All of these weeds marked are declared noxious weeds under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994.

For more information on weeds and their control contact the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.

Pest animals

Pest animals in the City of Melton include: rabbits, foxes, feral cats and many others. The control of rabbits is a high priority due to the range of environmental problems they cause such as: soil disturbance, loss of vegetation, erosion and weed spread. Domestic and feral cats can also be a threat to native wildlife.

For more Information on pest control contact the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.

Local community groups can also participate in the Rabbit Buster Program.

The City of Melton's Environmental Enhancement Policy deals with weed control and pest animals on private land.

For more information or if you are concerned about weeds and pest animals on your land, contact our Environmental Services Department on 9747 7200.