Living Green

Living Green is easier to do than you might think. We’re working towards making Council buildings and operations more sustainable and are supporting the community to be sustainable at home, work and school.

The aim is to reduce the use of gas, electricity and water as well as reduce the production of waste and greenhouse gases, reuse and recycle where possible and improve bio-diversity.

Green at home

You can make some simple changes at home such as:

  • Switching off lights and electrical appliances when they’re not being used.
  • Change your activities and technologies to be more efficient in order to reduce emissions such as switching to more efficient light bulbs
  • use fuel sources that are less greenhouse gas intensive such as solar panels

To find out what you can do at home go to Your Energy Savings which has a section on Rebates.

Sustainability Victoria has information about reducing food waste and compost.

You can create a sustainable garden using local (indigenous) plants.

Green at work

Council is working with businesses to help reduce energy costs and boost business opportunities. 

There is also Sustainability Victoria to help you make your business sustainable.

For more information, contact our Sustainability Officer on 9747 7200.

Join a Local Group

Melton Sustainable Living Group is a lively and friendly local community group.

Join them for some green and fun activities.