Biodiversity assessments
The City of Melton is home to some of the most important and vulnerable native plants and animals in Victoria. Native grasslands, waterways and woodlands can be threatened by development, including some Council-managed projects, and some of the plants (Spiny Rice Flower) and animals (Striped Legless Lizard, Golden Sun Moth) are protected under Federal or State legislation with heavy penalties for deliberate or unwitting destruction.
To ensure that Council does not inadvertently breach Federal or State legislation in the delivery of our projects, this spring and summer there will be a few reserves around the municipality where areas of grass will be left unmown for short periods to allow the grass to grow and any plants or animals that are protected under legislation can be more easily detected. The surveys will allow Council to consider appropriate action to enable the timely delivery of projects scheduled for completion in the 2023/24 capital works program. Many of these sites where the inspections are likely to occur are proposed areas for capital works such as playgrounds, bridges, carparks or roads and buildings.
When are we surveying?
Surveys are being undertaken across a range of sites across the City of Melton during September and October. This is when native grasses and flowers are more easily identifiable and enables accurate surveying. Depending on the outcomes of these initial surveys, additional surveys may be required in late summer/early spring for individual animals, such as Golden Sun Moth and Growling Grass Frogs, that may be more active at this time of the year. Further information will be provided via signage and on our website if these additional surveys are required.
What are we looking for?
The City of Melton is fortunate to be home to some nationally significant plants and animals, including the Grassland Earless Dragon, that was thought to be extinct but was recently found during surveys in the region. Find out more about some of the plants and animals we are looking for below: