City of Melton Economic Profile

The City of Melton is one of Australia’s fastest growing municipalities with a current annual population growth of 6.61% (2022-23). In 2023 the City of Melton’s Gross Regional Product (GRP) was estimated at $7.96 billion which represents 1.49% of Victoria’s Gross State Product (GSP) of $535.87 billion.

Key Statistics

Source: Economic profile | Melton | 

$7.96 billion


Local jobs 

Largest industry (by employment)
Retail Trade

Local businesses

Employed Residents 

According to 2021 census data, The City of Melton is one of the youngest municipalities with more than 76.7% of the population under 49 years of age. The city is also extremely diverse with 35.7% of residents born overseas, over 90 languages other than English used at home and recorded ancestry from 128 countries.

For the most up to date information, statistics and detailed demographic and industry analysis visit Council’s .id (informed decisions) profile.

Our diverse, young and growing population provides an attractive environment for businesses in which they can develop and thrive.

The City of Melton provides a vast resource of talented labour, educational, training and leisure facilities, and is an excellent and affordable place to live and do business.

If you would like to understand how this translates to economic growth for business or if you are considering starting a business in the City of Melton, please download our Spendmapp reports via the links below.

For tailored analysis for your sector and information on suburb level data to assist your investment decisions please contact our Economic Development & Tourism team via email at