Melton Electronic Gaming Machine Planning Policy Project

The City of Melton adopted the Melton Electronic Gaming Machine Planning Policy Project at its Ordinary meeting on the 24 July, 2017. A project Reference Document will help guide future gaming related planning applications in established and growth areas in the City of Melton. 


This project builds on the Responsible Gambling Policy which was adopted by Council in 2014. A key recommendation from this policy was to develop a gaming policy framework for inclusion into the Melton Planning Scheme.

In undertaking this work, Melton City Council acknowledges that gaming is a legal form of leisure. We are however, committed to preventing and minimising the negative impacts of gambling on individuals, families and the community. Through its planning scheme and relevant state planning provisions, Council can direct the location of gaming venues and electronic gaming machines (EGMs). 

The Project

The Electronic Gaming Machine Planning Policy Project undertook an initial policy gap analysis, examined recent planning decisions and provided the latest ABS data which was captured through the Background Report. A Reference Document was then developed and based on the following key principles:

  • Gaming venues should be accessible but not convenient.
  • Gaming venues should be managed to reflect population growth and distribution.
  • Exposure to opportunities to gamble should be managed to safeguard the health and well-being of communities at an elevated risk of gambling related harms.
  • Venues should be designed and operated to maximise their potential community benefits.  

Project documents

Related documents

The Melton Electronic Gaming Machine Planning Policy Project was introduced into the Melton Planning Scheme by Amendment C182 which was gazetted on 3 May 2023.

For further information about the project, please contact our Strategic Planning Team  on 9747 7200 or email:

For information on how this project may affect planning permit applications contact our City Grown and Development Team on 9747 7200.