House Smart

Melton Housing Diversity Strategy

Housing choice and diversity are major contributors to people's quality of life, influencing the look and feel of our neighbourhoods, our access to employment and services, and our modes of travel.

In recognition of the important role that 'housing' has in shaping our community Melton City Council has developed House Smart, a comprehensive 20-year framework to guide housing growth within the Municipality's established residential areas.

The Strategy identifies the number and types of 'housing' needed to house our future population growth and the capacity and suitability of different residential locations to accommodate different rates of housing change. This will ensure our future housing provides an appropriate range of housing choice and diversity to meet the needs of a growing and changing community.

House Smart was adopted by Council on Tuesday 27 May 2014, following a review of the submissions provided during an extended period of community consultation. In adopting the strategy Council resolved to undertake a Section 20(4) amendment to incorporate the proposed residential zones in the Melton Planning Scheme. The amendment was gazetted and incorporated into the Melton Planning Scheme on 24 July 2014.

Why do we need a Housing Diversity Strategy?

Melton’s continued population growth means it’s essential to plan for the City’s future housing needs.

The strategy provides greater certainty around:

  • the extent and character of the City’s existing residential built form
  • areas in existing neighbourhoods where increased density should be accommodated
  • the form and character of new housing and subdivisions (design and layout) should take in existing and future neighbourhoods and
  • how to implement the new residential zones recently introduced by the State Government.

Council wants the City of Melton to be an attractive place for residents to live, providing high quality services and infrastructure.

What areas are covered by House Smart?

House Smart focuses on residential development within the City’s established residential areas, and not the future greenfield residential areas covered by existing or proposed Precinct Structure Plans (PSPs).

These future greenfield residential areas directly influence residential supply and demand of the City’s established residential areas. However as the preparation of plans for future residential areas are managed by the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) they are outside the scope of works of this Strategy. 

You can download a copy of House Smart and all relevant back ground information.

House Smart - Melton Housing Diversity Study

 Background Documents

 If you have any queries or would like some further information, please contact our Strategic Planning Team on 9747 7200 or by email