Green Wedges within the City of Melton

Green wedges are the non-urban areas of metropolitan Melbourne that lie outside the Urban Growth Boundary. These areas are designated by State Government, with a total of twelve forming a ring around Melbourne. To strengthen key features and values within these areas, Councils are required to prepare Green Wedge Management plans, which will manage these areas into the future. Visit Department of Transport and Planning for more information.

The City of Melton has two green wedges – Western Plains North and Western Plains South, which are coming under increased pressure from rapid urban development.

The roles of green wedges are to:

  • Provide opportunities for agricultural uses, such as market gardening, viticulture, aquaculture, farm forestry and broad acre farming
  • Preserve rural and scenic landscapes
  • Preserve renewable and non-renewable resources and natural areas (such as water catchments)
  • Providing and safeguarding sites for infrastructure that supports urban areas, and
  • Provide opportunities for tourism and recreation.

For any further information please contact our Strategic Planning Team on 9747 7200 or email