Planning Scheme Reviews

2024 Planning Scheme Review

A Planning Scheme Review is a regular process to improve the local Planning Scheme, required under the Planning and Environment Act (1987).

Council undertook a review of its Planning Scheme which was adopted at its meeting on 27 May 2024. This review is a report which provides information on future strategic work that will be required to provide useful and efficient local content in the Melton Planning Scheme, appropriately guiding development in the municipality.

The review has identified the following priority areas for future strategic work:

  • Planning for Places includes updating Precinct Structure Plans, enhancing town center revitalisation measures, and improving related planning controls
  • Housing and Settlement includes enhancing the emerging residential character and housing diversity within established areas.
  • Heritage includes reviewing and updating the existing heritage policies.
  • Climate Change and Environment includes developing of a policy which responds to climate to change to ensure that new buildings and places are built and planned in an energy efficient and environmentally responsive manner.
  • Discretionary Land Use Policy includes creating a series of policies to guide these uses.
  • Planning in the Rural Zones includes the implementation of Green Wedge Management Plan actions and review of the outdated planning provisions to protect and optimise land for farming uses.

The Planning Scheme Review report is available below.

The adopted Planning Scheme Review was provided to the Minister on 2 July 2024.

2012 Planning Scheme Review

The previous Planning Scheme Review was prepared in 2012 and adopted by Council at its 26 July 2012 meeting.

The review identified that many of Council’s strategies and plans required review as they pre-dated the 2010 changes to the Urban Growth Boundary which dramatically increased the amount of developable land within the City of Melton and made fundamental changes to its future. A complete re-write of the Municipal Planning Statement (MPS) was also found to be needed.

This led to work on many Council strategies and plans in following years, before beginning work on the Municipal Planning Strategy in 2016 leading to Amendment C200 which was gazetted in 2019, implementing the MSS revision.

The Planning Scheme Review 2012 report is available below.