What happens next?

Lodging your Planning Permit Application is only the beginning.

After you have lodged your planning permit application there are a number of steps to be done or that might be done next.

Registration and assessment of your Permit Application.

We have a process to follow when you submit a Planning Permit for assessment and approval.

When we receive a Planning Permit Application:

  • we register your application and give it a unique application number
  • we send you a letter advising you of the application number and the name of the officer dealing with your application
  • we allocate the application to a Planning Officer
  • the Officer will check that all the required information has been supplied. Under the Planning and Environment Act 1987, Council has 28 days to ask for further information and/or seek clarification on the documentation supplied. If the further information is not received within 30 days from the date of the request the application will lapse and cannot be recommenced. An applicant may make a request in writing for an extension of time to give the required information prior to the application lapsing.

Your application may also be referred to a public authority (such as the water and power authorities). Referral authorities have 28 days to respond. They may impose conditions or object to an application.

Seeking the views of other interested parties is an essential part of the planning process and is important in achieving balanced and integrated decisions. Good practice ensures that these requirements are only imposed on applicants and referral authorities when they add value to the planning decision.

Note: We are bound to accept all applications lodged. Accepting an application does not necessarily mean we are in support of the proposal.

Advertising of a Planning Application (Notice of Application)

How are planning applications advertised?

Most planning applications are advertised unless the council is satisfied that granting a permit will not cause material detriment to any person, or the planning scheme says advertising is not required.

Notice procedures may include:

  • sending notices to owners and occupiers of land surrounding the site
  • placing a large notice on site
  • placing a notice in local newspapers
  • a combination of all three.

Through this process, neighbours are informed about a proposal and invited to inspect the plans. If you do not receive a formal notice you can still make a submission(DOC, 236KB) but council’s planning department must receive it before council makes a decision about the application.

The notice will tell you:

  • the address of the land that is subject to the application
  • the permit applicant’s name
  • council’s reference number for the application
  • the nature of the permit sought
  • where the application and plans can be inspected
  • the address for lodging your objection
  • the date by which objections should be lodged (at least 14 days after the date the last notice was given)

Why have I received notice of a planning application?

Notice of a planning application is issued to the owners and occupiers of adjoining land to which the application applies or any person/s that may be affected by a proposed use, development or subdivision of a property.

Why is there a sign on the site?

Notification may also include erecting a public notice on the subject site for a minimum 14 day period. The notice provides information about the proposal and details of where the plans and relevant documentation can be viewed, as well as when objections should be lodged against a planning application.

What if I support the proposal?

If you support the proposal, you do not have to take any action, although you can make a submission in support.

Can I discuss the application with Council?

Yes, any person can visit or telephone the Planning Unit:

  • by phone on 9747 7200
  • in person at the Melton Civic Centre, 232 High Street Melton.

Planning Officers are available to assist with any queries, from 8:30am until 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.

For a better understanding of the planning permit process, the State Government has produced a booklet called Using Victoria's Planning System.