Unsealed Roads

Melton City Council manages and maintains approximately 124km of unsealed roads of which 31km are located within the Urban Growth Boundary and 93km outside of the Urban Growth Boundary, 

Council acknowledges that our unsealed road network is being used more frequently as a result of the growth of residential developments that Council has and continues to experience.

Whilst a road is unsealed Council does maintain these roads in accordance with Councils Road Management Plan to a safe standard. Where an unsealed road is located within the urban growth area these roads will ultimately be urbanised with a sealed pavement and funded by the residential developments occurring in the area. Roads that are outside the urban growth areas have been assessed and prioritised by Council as they will require Council to fund the projects to seal those roads. These roads are considered for funding through the annual budget development process.

Please note the majority of trucks using these roads do not require a permit and can travel  along any local road whether it is sealed or unsealed however ALL drivers have a 'Duty of Care' to adhere to all road safety requirements as noted in the Victorian Road Safety Rules. Where trucks are “over sized” or “over mass” those operators are required to obtain a permit to travel local roads where we avoid unsealed roads being used.

Council does not undertake watering of roads to suppress dust as it is impossible to service all our unsealed roads with a water truck nor is it environmentally sustainable to use potable water to suppress dust. A number of our unsealed roads have a posted speed limit of 80km/h to slow vehicles down to aid in reducing dust. Furthermore, all drivers have a Duty of Care to drive accordingly to the road environment and in accordance with the Victorian Road Rules.

Putting your headlights on will help other vehicles to see you through the dust. If you encounter dust clouds that obscure your vision, you should pull over as far left as you safely can and wait until the dust has settled.

  • Enquiries concerning the condition of the road including requests for grading and repair of potholes can be addressed by contacting Councils Customer Service on 9747 7200 where a request for road maintenance will be submitted to respond to the concerns,
  • Enquiries regarding driver behaviour including speed, vehicles driving along the centre of the road, particularly trucks, is an enforcement issue for the Police to address as Council is NOT a law enforcement agency. These issues can be reported to crimestoppersvic.gov.au or by calling Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000.