Traffic management plans

When conducting any works (including road closures for events) on a road, street, lane or footpath in the City of Melton you must submit a Traffic Management Plan (TMP).

TMPs are required in accordance with the Road Management Act 2004, the Road Safety Act 1986 and Australian Standard AS 1742.3 2009 Traffic control devices for works on roads.

Submission of traffic management plans

All TMPs submitted must be prepared by a professional traffic consultant or company and must be in accordance with Australian Standard AS 1742.3 2009.

You will need the following information when submitting your application:

  • Worksite hazard assessment check list (Appendix C Code of Practice)
  • Traffic management plan (including after care plans)
  • Consent to Work in the Road Reserve letter with approved plans
  • VicRoads Memorandum of Authorisation (MoU) for the authorisation to use Major Traffic Control Devices.

Please note:

  • if works are on an arterial road you must have consent from VicRoads.  Visit VicRoads website for further information
  • if major traffic controls are being used, a Memorandum of Authorisation (MoA) must be received from VicRoads,
  • any works that are likely to cause significant traffic delays due to land and/or road closures must be discussed with our Traffic Engineer on 9747 7200 prior to works commencing
  • traffic management plans must also have a permit to undertake works within a road reserve before works can start.  Visit Works within Road Reserve for further information.

Traffic management application form

Note: Before submitting a Traffic Management Plan online you will need to register.  Once you have registered you can Login and complete your application.

Traffic Management Application form


How the application is assessed

In accordance with the Road Management Act 2004, Council has 20 days to assess traffic management applications, however we will endeavour to respond to your application within 10 business days.

All traffic management plans are assessed for compliance with:

  • VicRoads Supplement to AS1742.3 AS1742.3 Manual of uniform traffic control devices - traffic control for works on roads
  • Code of Practice – Worksite Safety  – Traffic Management
  • Road Management Act 2004
  • Road Safety Road Rules 2017
  • Any other relevant regulations, standards and guidelines.

If all requirements are satisfied or if only small changes are required, written authorisation is given to the person or company that submitted the TMP (usually via email).

If the TMP is insufficient, we will ask for the plans to be amended accordingly and for the application to be resubmitted.

A copy of the written authorisation, TMPs, permit and MoA (if applicable) must be kept on site during the works. Individual contractors/works manager are responsible for implementing the TMP.  Works on site may be inspected by Council officers at any time.

Reporting concerns with road works

Implementing a TMP is the responsibility of individual contractors/works manager undertaking the works. If you are concerned with traffic management or works happening in a road reserve, contact the company doing the works first. If after this you still have concerns, contact us.