There are many opportunities to volunteer your time and skills in the City of Melton. It is a great way to make new friends, contribute to the community, share your knowledge and practice your skills.
Some examples of volunteer opportunities include:
- join a committee
- join a group by looking at your interests in the Community Directory
- be involved in environmental programs
- participate in the Volunteer Driving, Social Support program, Food Services, Ageing Well, Carer Support Groups and the Men's Sheds
- contact relevant sporting clubs for coaching volunteering
- participate in road safety activities, like driving lessons for recently arrived refugees, Walking School Bus or L2P Learner Driver Program
- assist older people, carers and people with a disability
For more information, contact Council's Volunteer Development Officer on 9747 7200, email communitycareinfo@melton.vic.gov.au or pick up a volunteer brochure and expression of interest from Melton City Council's Customer Service.
Victoria's Volunteering Portal
Volunteering Victoria
Volunteer West