Office of the Public Advocate


The Office of the Public Advocate (OPA) safeguards and protects the human rights of people with a cognitive disability and or mental illness to keep them safe from harm, abuse and exploitation.

The Community Visitors Program is administered by OPA and engages volunteers to uphold and safeguard the human right of people with a disability and/or mental illness.

Community Visitors are the eyes and ears of the community and perform an important role of upholding the human rights of people with a cognitive disability and/or mental illness who are living in supported care.

Volunteers visit either group homes for people with a cognitive disability or mental health facilities for people with a mental illness. They speak to the residents/patients to find out if they have any issues or concerns with their care, treatment and/or living conditions. At the conclusion of a visit, they write a brief report detailing the findings of the visit. Volunteers visit in pairs and visit services within their local community.

Volunteers are being recruited for the Community Visitors Program. This is a challenging but rewarding volunteer role which is a formal Victorian Governor in Council appointment

  •  Training and reimbursement of expenses are provided
  • Time commitment is approximately 6-8 hours per month

If you would like to volunteer or find out more about the OPA, visit the OPA website.



Various facilities within the Melton area,  As above,  Melton 3337  View Map

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