Hush Baby Sleep
Hush Baby Sleep was founded by Claire De Simone, certified baby and toddler sleep consultant, paediatric nurse, wife and Mum of 2. She understands first hand just how tough sleep deprivation is.
Here at Hush Baby Sleep we provide personalised and tailored plans to suit your child's needs. We believe that every child is different and needs their own personalised approach. There is no one size fits all, and we use a holistic approach to meet your child's needs. We will always work within your comfort levels and not impinge on your own family values.
We are here to be your biggest cheerleader and support to get you and your family from being sleep deprived to well rested and thriving.
Some of the concerns we can work through include:
- Frequent night waking
- Catnapping and short naps
- Early rising
- Sleep regressions
- Self settling and so much more.
Head to our website to book your free 15 minute call or to book a support package.
Diggers Rest 3427