Caroline Springs Scout Group
Caroline Springs Scout Group is a family focused Scout Group with programs full of fun, friendship, new skills and adventure. Today's Scouts can take part in an extraordinary variety of outdoor activities, from 'traditional Scouting skills' such as camping and bushcraft, through to more extreme challenges such as abseiling, overnight hikes, canoeing, scuba diving, rock climbing... even flying!
The Group is also very active within the Local Community too, and is working hard to foster working partnerships which will result in a number of long term improvements for both the local community and the local environment.
1st Caroline Springs Scout Group meet weekly:
Joey Scouts (5-7 yr olds): Monday 5:30-6:30pm
Cub Scouts (8-10 yr olds): Monday OR Wednesday 6:30-8:00pm
Scouts (10-14 yr olds): Tuesday 7:00-9:00pm
Venturers (14-18 yr olds): Monday 7:00-9:00pm
Rovers (18+ years): Wednesday 7:00-9:00pm
If you're interested in Scouting, then get in contact, come along, and give it a try!
Caroline Springs Scouts Centre,
115 Tenterfield Drive,
Burnside Heights 3023
View Map
115 Tenterfield Drive ,
Burnside Heights 3023
Caroline Springs Scouts Centre
115 Tenterfield Drive ,
Burnside Heights 3023
Caroline Springs Scout Group