Plumpton Aquatic and Leisure Centre taking shape

Published on 22 April 2024

Plumpton Aquatic and Leisure Centre

The City of Melton’s new aquatic and leisure centre is taking shape, with Council approving its draft masterplan for community consultation at its April meeting.

The Plumpton Aquatic and Leisure Centre, to be constructed on Beattys Road in Fraser Rise, will feature indoor pools, splash play areas, water slides, spas, a warm water pool, a sauna, sensory aquatic space, health and fitness areas, allied health spaces, outdoor interactive water play area with beach-style access, change facilities, a café and 2000 square metres of commercial space.

Council will also investigate whether extra meeting and function space and a roof top deck can be included through an additional level.

The Centre will offer inclusive and accessible facilities which support a healthy, connected community.Melton City Council launched a four-week community consultation period on the draft masterplan on 23 April.

Feedback is being sought on the design themes, the importance of individual features and how people see themselves using the centre.

The community can share their views online and in-person. Find out more: Plumpton Aquatic Leisure Centre | Melton Conversations

Council will consider feedback from the consultation as it finalises the masterplan and moves to the next phase of design work.

At this stage, an invitation to tender will be released in the first half of 2025 to select a construction company to build the centre.

Expressions of interest (EOI) were open for non-profits, service providers and commercial tenants to register their interest in occupying space at the centre.

Tenancies could include a broad range of community, education, health and human service needs, shopfronts, café operators, office spaces, education provision, meeting and collaboration facilities.  For more information email:

Quotes attributable to City of Melton Mayor Cr Kathy Majdlik

“The draft masterplan gives an exciting sense of the offerings and design of the Plumpton Aquatic and Leisure Centre."

“With a range of features which are not currently available anywhere else in our City, the Plumpton Aquatic and Leisure Centre will transform the local area as well as support the health of the broader community. “Council has a strong commitment to developing the Centre with community input.

We encourage all community members to take part in the consultation and help us deliver a facility which will become a thriving hub in the City of Melton. “We also call for all prospective tenants to express their interest in becoming part of this important community facility.”

“The Plumpton Aquatic and Leisure Centre will be a state-of-the-art facility to be enjoyed for generations to come. Our water sensory play area will be the first of its kind in Australia. We’re committed to delivering the kind of aquatic centre our growing community deserves.”

“I look forward to hearing from residents as this transformational project takes its next steps forward.” 

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