Moving ahead with Plumpton Aquatic Leisure Centre

Published on 27 June 2023

Work is set to commence on a masterplan and schematic design process for the City of Melton’s new aquatic centre.

At this week’s Council meeting, Councillors received a report on the updated Plumpton Aquatic Leisure Centre business case and funding strategy.

This is an important milestone for the much-anticipated facility, along with Council’s land acquisition of the future aquatic centre site.  

These important steps pave the way for the design and masterplanning process, which will run over the next 12 months and give the public a chance to let Council know how they want their aquatic centre to look.

The masterplan will outline the components which will be planned to feature as part of the facility, such as an indoor pool, an outdoor pool, a gym, warm water pools, program pools, community café spaces, other allied health spaces and a water sensory experience.

Importantly, the final design will be developed with the public’s input and Council looks forward to engaging with our community as the project continues to progress.

Quotes attributable to Mayor of Melton, Cr Lara Carli

“With nearly 170,000 people expected to live near Plumpton by 2040, we’re committed to delivering the kind of aquatic centre a growing community deserves.”

“These next steps in the planning process are critical to delivering a fantastic new aquatic centre for Plumpton and everyone in the City of Melton.”

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