Roundabout at Caroline Springs Boulevard and Rockbank Middle Road
The roundabout at Caroline Springs Boulevard and Rockbank Middle Road is currently one of busiest intersections in the City of Melton. There are traffic delays at the roundabout and there are safety concerns for pedestrians and cyclists.
Installing traffic lights will help control vehicle movements, manage congestion during peak periods and provide safe crossing locations for pedestrians and cyclists, thereby encouraging walking and cycling.
The project will include:
- Removal of existing roundabout
- An expansion and realignment of the road
- Installation of traffic signals
- Landscaping
- New public lighting
- Underground services relocations (electricity, water, gas, and communications)
Construction began in late November 2023.
March 2025 update
Construction works are nearing completion at the Caroline Springs Boulevard and Rockbank Middle Road intersection with final footpath, kerbing and landscaping works currently underway.
Upcoming night works
The next stage will involve completing the final road surface layer, traffic signals and line marking which will take place at night from Sunday 30 March to Thursday 10 April 2025 between 8pm and 5am. Note: works will not take place on Friday or Saturday nights.
These works are weather dependent, in the event of inclement weather, works may be rescheduled.
Traffic changes - Caroline Springs Boulevard and Rockbank Middle Road intersection
To ensure the safety of the work crew and road users, we will be closing the Caroline Springs Boulevard and Rockbank Middle Road intersection between 8pm and 5am each night. The road will be reopened during the day at the end of each shift.
Traffic management and detours will be in place during the closure. Detour map below.
Once these works are complete Caroline Springs Boulevard will be open to two lanes each way, however Rockbank Middle Road will remain left in and left out only. We are reliant on relevant authorities to turn on the traffic lights to fully open the intersection.
Detour map
Detour map for temporary night time closures of Caroline Springs Boulevard and Rockbank Middle Road intersection.
Image Gallery
Photos showing new kerb and channel, drainage, pedestrian paths and asphalting.
Ccaroline Springs Bvd and Rockbank Middle Road intersection, 3023 View Map
Ccaroline Springs Bvd and Rockbank Middle Road intersection ,
Ccaroline Springs Bvd and Rockbank Middle Road intersection ,
Roundabout at Caroline Springs Boulevard and Rockbank Middle Road