Melton Recycling Facility

In 2018, Council adopted a Master Plan for the Melton Recycling Facility at 33 Ferris Road, Cobblebank.

The Master Plan has been designed in accordance with the Sustainability Victoria Better Practice Guidelines for Resource Recovery Centres and once completed is expected to improve landfill diversion rates by approx. 25%.

Works for Stage 1 of the project commenced in January 2019 and were completed mid-July 2019. The entry to the facility has been re-aligned and a new gatehouse built. 


Stage 1

Stage 1 was completed mid-July 2019 and included: 

  • The installation of a new gate house, canopy, dual weighbridges and cameras
  • Relocation of the existing gate house
  • Purchase and Installation of weighbridge software
  • Construction of a Street Sweeper shed and installation of triple interceptor for the disposal of sweeping and drainage material
  • Construction of C&D drop off bays
  • Civil works to prepare for Stage 2 and provide access to the new weighbridge
  • Improvements to site signage to meet Sustainability Victoria signage guidelines

The initial improvements have resulted in additional resource recovery of approximately 5% (1,250 tonnes per annum) whilst also achieving environmental compliance on site.


Stage 2

Planning for Stage 2 of the redevelopment began in January.

Planned works include:

  • Construction of a new resource recovery shed and resale shop located at the front of facility encouraging better separation and recycling, including e-waste drop off, before paying at the weighbridge
  • Construction of a new sorting shed and loading tunnel for bulk haul transporting, additional resource recovery and storage capacity 
  • Civil works, including a new road for bulk haul vehicles to provide access into the residual waste shed and loading tunnel.

Stage 2 improvements will result in further resource recovery (20%, approx. 6,000 tonnes per annum) and an approximate cost saving of $384,000 per annum in state legislated landfill levies (based on 18/19 disposal rates) .

The Front End Resource Recovery Shed (FERC) will provide residents with more convenient and user friendly infrastructure for disposing of reusable or recyclable material (free of charge) prior to travelling over the weighbridge where standard gate fees apply.

The FERC also provides the necessary infrastructure required to accommodate the introduction of the State Government E-waste ban which became effective 1 July 2019 (anything with a cord or battery is banned from being disposed in landfill).

These upgrades are being funded by Sustainability Victoria and the Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Fund, Victorian Government’s Growing Suburbs Fund and Melton City Council.



33 Ferris road, Cobblebank 3338  View Map

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