Bloomsbury Drive Reserve


The Bloomsbury Drive Reserve Upgrade improved amenities and features of the reserve for residents of all ages.

Residents are able to exercise, play and socialise within the new facilities, including a new shelter, quarter basketball court, playground upgrade and exercise equipment, to positively contribute to improved health and wellbeing.

Additional trees and garden beds have been planted, including greening the existing arbour.

Key features:

  • new and accessible playground equipment
  • exercise equipment for cardio, strength, balance and flexibility
  • picnic and barbecue facilities
  • landscaping 

Works began in September 2019 and were completed in early 2020.




Image: The Bloomsbury Drive Concept Drawing.

Community Engagement

Thank you to everyone who completed our feedback form and came along to the community consultation. This was an opportunity for the community to tell us what you like and don't like about the park, what improvements you'd like to see and thoughts on the concept plan.

Funding Partners

The upgrade of Bloomsbury Reserve is partly funded by the Victorian Government Growing Suburbs Fund.