Customer Service Commitments

Council has adopted a range of service level standards to ensure the consistent and timely delivery of community services in a transparent and responsible manner.

These standards help inform community members of what they can expect when dealing with Council.

Animal Management

We will:

  • audit every registered domestic animal business annually to ensure compliance with relevant codes of practice.
  • initiate investigation into complaints of dog attacks against people or animals within 24 hours of a report being received.
  • process new dog and cat registration applications within five (5) working days of an application and payment being received.
  • attend to any livestock complaints which have resulted in trespass onto Council controlled Land or Roads immediately the report has been received by Council.

Building Management

We will commence investigation:

  • of safety related maintenance requests for council buildings within one (1) working day of a request.
  • for all other maintenance requests for council buildings within five (5) working days of a request.

Building Services

We will endeavour to:

  • provide property information certificates within five (5) working days of an application being received.
  • provide copies of building plans and permits within seven (7) working days of an application being received. Copies may not be available for properties over 40 years old.
  • process applications for dispensations to building regulations within 15 statutory days of a complete application being received.
  • commence investigations into complaints/concerns relating to dangerous buildings and unfenced pools or spas within two (2) working days of a complaint being received.
  • assess and initiate appropriate action for complaints/concerns relating to building works/matters within ten (10) working days.

Community Care

Community Care:

  • will promote client’s opportunity to maximise their capacity and quality of life through being client-centred and providing opportunities for each client to be actively involved in addressing their goals.
  • will recognise and support people with diverse needs and ensure that all clients have equity of access to services and that support is accessible, appropriate and free from discrimination.
  • will ensure choice and flexibility is optimised for each client, their carers and families.
  • will link service support to assist vulnerable clients with complex care needs to access a range of aged care and other services.
  • will action incoming referrals within three (3) business days.
  • are open and transparent about our processes.
  • will provide accurate and up to date information, in a format you need, when you need it.

Community Safety

We will remove:

  • offensive graffiti in public areas, or areas that are visible to the public and not within private property within 48 hours of receiving a request (subject to accessibility).
  • graffiti in public areas, or areas that are visible to the public and not on private property within ten (10) days of receiving a request (subject to accessibility).
  • offensive graffiti within private property within 48 hours days of receiving consent from the property owner or occupier (subject to accessibility).
  • graffiti from private property within ten (10) days of receiving consent from the property owner or occupier (subject to accessibility).

Construction Supervision

We will:

  • inspect and make safe dangerous footpaths in accordance with Council’s Road Management Plan.
  • undertake an Asset Protection Permit inspection within five (5) working days of lodgement of an Asset Protection Permit. 

Drainage and Cleansing

We will:

  • remove roadside rubbish and litter within 3 working days of a request being received.
  • remove dead animals from Council roads and paths within one (1) working day of a report being received.
  • remove fallen branches and trees from Council roads and paths within one working day of a report being received (immediate action if it presents a safety hazard).
  • remove debris or rubbish from a road or road shoulder where it presents a safety hazard to traffic, within one working day of a report being received.
  • investigate blocked council owned drains and pits within two (2) working days if it is a hazard to the public, otherwise ten (10) working days of a report being received.
  • inspect and make safe missing or damaged pit lids within 24 hours of a report being received.
  • collect discarded syringes in nature strips and roads within 24 hours of notification.
  • collect discarded syringes in parks and reserves within two (2) hours of notification.

Environmental Health

We will:

  • investigate public health nuisance concerns within 48 hours of notification.
  • complete new health business registration applications and issue certificates of registration, within five (5) working days, following receipt of relevant documentation, payment of fees, and satisfactory inspection.

Family Day Care

We will:

  • schedule your family to a Family Day Care appointment within five (5) working days of a requested enrolment.    
  • provide you with contact details for educators that have responded to your request for care within five (5) working days.

Fire Prevention

We will:

  • assess permits to burn within ten (10) working days of a request being received.
  • undertake property inspections for fire hazard requests during the fire danger period within five (5) working days of notification.
  • undertake property inspections for long grass requests during non-fire danger period within ten (10) working days of notification.


  • Council minutes will be made available five (5) days after a Council meeting.
  • We will process freedom of information requests within thirty (30) calendar days from when all required information has been received.


  • We will provide written information about the kindergarten eligibility and enrolment process within ten (10) working days of a complete kindergarten enrolment application being received.

Local Laws

We will initiate investigations into:

  • customer requests regarding unregistered or abandoned vehicles on public land within ten (10) working days of a request being made.
  • parking related concerns within five (5) working days of a request being received.
  • any customer requests into breaches of the General Local Law (that relate to the City Amenity & Compliance Unit) within ten (10) working days of the request being received.

Maternal and Child Health

  • We will provide you, during your home visit, with a schedule of visits for your baby’s two (2), four (4), eight (8) week and four (4) month visit.
  • We will contact you within ten (10) working days of your baby being born to make a time for a maternal and child health nurse to visit you in your home.
  • All first time parents will be invited to attend a new parent group before their child reaches four (4) months of age.

Park Services

  • We will investigate and action general parks maintenance (non-urgent) requests within ten (10) working days.
  • Reports of syringes in parks will be investigated and removal completed within 24 hours of being notified.
  • Any hazard identified within a playground will be made safe within 24 hours.
  • Any report of a pest animal that is deemed to be a hazard will be actioned within 24 hours.
  • Any significant irrigation leak will be isolated on the same day reported and repaired within seven (7) days.


We will:

  • investigate all high risk breaches of the planning controls within three (3) working days of a request being received.
  • request further information on planning applications when required within 28 days of lodgement.


We will process:

  • copies of rates notices within five (5) working days of a request being made.
  • standard Land Information Certificates within three (3) working days of an application being received.
  • urgent Land Information Certificates within one (1) working day of an application being received.

Residential Waste Services Hard Waste

  • We will collect your hard waste from within your property boundary within 14 days of the time of booking confirmation.

Residential Waste Services Kerbside Bins

We will:

  • provide bins to new residential properties within three (3) working days of receiving a request.  Receipt of relevant occupancy documentation must be provided prior.
  • replace missing or unrepairable bins within three (3) working days of request being received. 
  • collect missed bin collections due to driver error within one (1) working day of request being received.

Road Maintenance

Stormwater Management

  • Land owners eligible for Shared Cost Fencing will receive confirmation of the amount Council will contribute within ten (10) working days.
  • We will assess drainage plans within ten (10) working days and notify you of the outcome in writing.
  • We will provide standard Legal Points of Discharge information within ten (10) working days of an application being received.
  • We will assess build over easement applications within ten (10) working days.


We will:

  • refer subdivision applications for certification to external referral authorities within seven (7) days of lodgement.
  • certify compliant applications within the 49 statutory days.

Traffic and Parking Management

We will allow 21 days for residents and property owners to submit a response when consulting with the community on:

  • changes to parking restrictions.
  • proposed Local Traffic Management Schemes.

Trees and Horticulture

  • We will attend to emergency tree requests on Council land within 24 hours of a report being received.
  • We will investigate routine tree maintenance requests on Council Land within ten (10) working days of a request being received.
  • Any request for a tree on a naturestrip, where a tree does not currently exist shall be fulfilled within 24 months via annual tree planting program.
  • Tree removal requests will be completed within 28 days of request where removal is deemed necessary.

Works within Road Reserves

We will:

  • inspect and provide advice on vehicle crossing applications within ten (10) working days.
  • assess Traffic Management Plans within ten (10) working days.

Youth Support and Counselling

We will:

  • make contact within three (3) working days upon receipt of a referral to Youth Support to acknowledge Referral confirmation and service availability.
  • advise of alternative referral pathways for support within three (3) working days.