Public Interest Disclosures

The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 commenced on 10 February 2013 and repealed the former Whistleblowers Protection Act 2001. It ensures that public organisations operate in a responsible, open and accountable manner and to protect the public by exposing serious public sector unlawful activity. The main objective of the Act is to encourage and facilitate the making of disclosures of improper conduct or detrimental action by public officers and public bodies.

In accordance with Section 58 of the Act and in accordance with the guidelines of the IBAC published under section 57 of the Act, Council is required to establish and publish procedures in the application of the legislation and also ensure it is readily available to members of the public as well as internally to all Councillors, employees and staff of the Council.

The Act provides protection to those that make disclosures in accordance with the Act, and establishes a system for the matters disclosed to be investigated and for rectifying action to be taken.

How do I make a disclosure?

  • By phone on 9747 7200
  • In writing to: Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator, Melton City Council, PO Box 21, Melton  Vic 3337

Will my disclosure be kept confidential?

Yes. All disclosures by internal and external whistleblowers will be kept strictly confidential. No identification is necessary prior to being transferred to the Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator on such occasions.

Can I contact anyone else?

A disclosure may be made directly to IBAC or the Ombudsman:

Visit IBAC for more information or complaint forms
Phone: 1300 735 135
Toll free: 1800 555 677

The Ombudsman Victoria
Level 9, 459 Collins Street
DX 210274
Phone: 03 9613 6922
Toll Free: 1800 806 314

Please note: if the disclosure relates to:

  • Councillors, the disclosure must be made direct to IBAC or the State Ombudsman
  • the Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator, the disclosure should be made to the Chief Executive Officer
  • the Chief Executive Officer, the disclosure should be made to the Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator.