Access to your personal information and health records

View or amend personal information

Access to personal information for the purposes of viewing or amending the information held by Melton City Council is done through Freedom of information.

Access to health records

Melton City Council is committed to the protection of all personal information they collect. Council practices responsible handling of information in accordance with principles in the Health Records Act 2001.

How can I get access to health information about me?

The Freedom of Information Act and the Health Records Act 2001 both provide the right to access an individual's own health information held by Council and to amend such information if it is incorrect.
To request access to health information, contact us on 9747 7200.

What if I'm making the request on behalf of somebody else?

If you are seeking access on behalf of somebody else as their authorised representative, or if you are the legal representative of a deceased person, then you must make your request in writing and provide evidence of your authority to act on another person's behalf.

Will I be charged a fee?

Council is able to charge a processing fee, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, however the fee may be waived in some circumstances. If you believe that you should not pay the fee, please include the reasons why with your application and a Council officer will assess the request.

For more information contact our Customer Service on 9747 7200.