Minutes & Agendas

Governance Rules – Meeting Procedure for Council Meetings

Melton City Council adopted its Governance Rules on 25 March 2024.  Chapter 2 of the Governance Rules is the Meeting Procedure for Council Meetings. 

The purpose of Chapter 2 is to:

  • provide for the election of the Mayor and any Deputy Mayor;
  • provide for the appointment of any Acting Mayor; and
  • provide for the procedures governing the conduct of Council meetings.

The Meeting Procedure Chapter replaces the Meeting Procedure Local Law 2013.  

Download the Governance Rules(PDF, 1MB)

Council meeting dates

Council meeting Live Stream and recordings 
Note: a recording of each Council meeting will be available approximately 2 business days after the meeting date. 

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Meeting recordings

As from 11 May 2020 Council meetings are live streamed and recorded and all meeting recordings are available from the relevant 'Live Stream' link located under each meeting date.

Prior to 11 May 2020, an audio recording of Council meetings was made.  The files are in .mp3 format and can be listened to online or downloaded to your computer.  The link to the audio recording of meetings is available at the relevant 'Audio' link located under each meeting date.


All interested members of the public are invited to attend - for any further information please contact the Council's Civic Centre on 9747 7200.

Public question time

All questions must be received by no later than 10am on the day of the scheduled Meeting of Council.

Submit your public question/s to Council

Notice of Motion Register

Notices of Motion are written notices of Councillors that they intend to move a motion at a Council Meeting. This Register details the Notices of Motion moved by Councillors in the previous and current Council Terms.

Notice of Motion Register(PDF, 365KB)