We manage the central registration process for 27 kindergartens within the municipality to facilitate the placement of children into funded kindergarten programs in the two years prior to attending primary school.
Melton City Council has a licence agreement with One Tree Community Services, BPA Children’s Services, ECMS, Sparkways, Kororoit Creek Primary School, Creekside K-9 College and Springside Prep -9 College to manage the operations of kindergartens from council owned facilities. We also administer kindergarten registrations for Melton Uniting Kindergarten.
We work closely with these early years managers to ensure programs are of a high quality and meet the needs of the community.
Kindergarten registrations
2025 kindergarten registrations are still open. Weekly allocations have commenced.
2026 kindergarten registrations open 19 March 2025.
Register now!
Please note: Melton Uniting Kindergarten will not be operating in 2026. The kindergarten will operate as normal until the completion of Term 4 in 2025. If you would like your child to attend the same kindergarten for two consecutive years you should select a different kindergarten.
Some of our centres are already full, however there are many centres across our municipality that still have vacancies.
Families whose preferred centre is full and do not wish to attend elsewhere can be wait listed for their preferred centre. There are no guarantees that a place will become available.
For families who receive an accepted place in 2025, you should expect to hear from your centre directly from mid-September onwards with further information.
If you require information regarding kindergarten vacancies, contact the kindergarten registration team via email: or call us on 9747 7284.
Non-Resident applications will be assessed by the Director City Life. This process will take up to 6 weeks and will be determined on the kindergarten vacancies at that time.
Kindergarten Readiness Month
Come along and explore your local Kindergarten. Meet teachers, ask questions and gather information, which will help to inform your decision in which Kindergarten to register your child for 3 and 4 year old funded Kindergarten, in the City of Melton for 2026.
Your child must be 3 or 4 years old on or before the 30 April, in the year they will be attending Kindergarten to be eligible for a funded kindergarten place.
Kindergarten Open Week
Tuesday 11 March – Thursday 13 March 2025
For full details and Locations download the Kindergarten Readiness Flyer(PDF, 554KB)
2026 kindergarten registrations open 19 March 2025.
The Parent Portal
Kindergarten registrations are linked to a parent portal. This will provide you with access to your processed application by enabling you to:
- make changes to Kindergarten preferences (prior to first round offers)
- acceptance of offer (after offer letters have been received)
- decline an offer (after offer letters have been received)
- cancel a placement.
Parent portal - in order to access the parent portal you will need to use your application ID, which will be included in the confirmation that you will receive from Council within four weeks after you submit your registration.
Please note: If you are experiencing issues with the Parent Portal link using Internet Explorer, please copy and paste the link into Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
Kindergarten registrations
Do you have a child who will be ready to attend 3 or 4 year old kindergarten in 2025? Submit your registration online now.
How old does my child need to be for kindergarten?
4 year old kindergarten
Your child must be four years old by 30 April in the year your child attends kindergarten to be eligible for a funded 4 year old kindergarten place.
3 year old kindergarten
Your child must be three years old by 30 April in the year your child attends kindergarten to be eligible for a funded 3 year old kindergarten place.
Children born between January and April have a choice on which year to attend 3 year old kindergarten - either the year they turn three or the following year when they turn four. Decisions on when to start your child will be up to the individual families, and factors that might be taken into consideration include the individual child’s developmental and learning levels, family circumstances and potential school starting ages.
Please Note: Your child may not be eligible to commence the kindergarten year until they turn three years of age. Please check directly with the kindergarten as all kindergartens have their own policies in place with commencement for children who are yet to turn three.
Pre-Prep/ Starting Age Calculators
When should I send my child to kindergarten?
The Department of Education has developed two easy to use calculators, one to assist in finding the year your child can start kindergarten based on their age and the second to help you check your child’s eligibility for Pre-Prep. To use these calculators visit: Sending your child to kinder |
From 2025 Four Year Old Kindergarten is gradually transitioning to Pre-Prep as part of the Best Start Best Life reform. This will occur in stages as it is rolled out across the state. Access to Pre-Prep is determined by a range of factors including your child’s birth date, local government area and priority of access.
For further information on Best Start Best Life visit:
Four-Year-Old Kindergarten is becoming Pre-Prep |
How do I register my child for kindergarten?
Melton City Council runs a Central Registration and Enrolment Scheme (CRES) which makes it easier for you to register your child for kindergarten, choosing from the 27 services in the City of Melton that participate in the scheme.
You can register your child online for Kindergarten 2025.
Lodgement of your completed hard copy form must be in person at one of our three locations listed below.
- Melton Civic Centre, 232 High Street Melton
- Melton Library and Learning Hub, 31 McKenzie Street Melton
- Caroline Springs Library, 193-199 Caroline Springs Blvd, Caroline Springs
What do I need to register?
The registration form will ask you for contact details, information about your child including factors that might prioritise your child’s allocation to a kindergarten.
Melton City Council follows the Priority of Access guidelines that supports the inclusion of children with additional needs, children of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background, asylum seeker and refugee families with an appropriate visa, and children known to Child Protection.
To complete the kindergarten registration form, make sure you have:
- Proof of residence: a utilities bill, rental agreement or rates notice with your family name and address (this must be the main residence of your child)
- copy of child's birth certificate (if the birth certificate is unavailable, a copy of another official document such as an immunisation record or passport will be accepted)
- Concession cards and immigration visas (where applicable)
- Documents from Family Support Services or a Maternal and Child Health nurse confirming high support needs and/or disability, or letter from a doctor for complex medical needs (where applicable)
The form will also ask you about preferences for which kindergarten you would like your child to go to. We recommend only listing kindergartens that you intend to accept and offer from. You may wish to visit the kindergarten and ask questions, to see if the kindergarten is right for you and your child prior to submitting your registration.
Frequently asked questions about kindergarten
Where are kindergartens located in the City of Melton?
What are the benefits of kindergarten?
Children learn more in their first 5 years of life than at any other time. Kindergarten provides children with an environment that encourages and supports their development. Kindergarten gives children the opportunity to explore the world and provides a solid foundation to learn the skills that are required for Primary School.
Kindergarten provides opportunities to:
- Develop communication and literacy skills
- Develop independence and responsibilities to gain confidence and a feeling of self- worth
- Learn social skills such as listening and respecting other people’s ideas
- Build self-awareness and respect for others
- Learn to be creative
- Experience maths, social studies and science
- Use technology
- Discover the joy of learning
- Make new friends
Children learn these skills through play-based curriculum where they are able to make choices and share in decision making.
Children are provided with the opportunity to develop caring relationships with adults as well as friendships with other children. The best outcomes for children are achieved when Kindergarten staff and parents/guardians work in close partnership.
When should I send my child to kindergarten?
Your child should turn three by 30 April of the year they start a 3 year old Kindergarten program.
Your child should turn four by 30 April of the year they start a 4 year old Kindergarten program.
Your child can start school if they turn five years old by 30 April of the year they start school. Your child must be enrolled in school by the age of six, unless they have an exemption. So, if your child’s birthday falls before 30 April in the calendar year, you have a choice about whether to enrol your child in school in the year they turn five or the next year.
Children learn at different rates, in different ways, and at different times. In some cases, your child may benefit from starting a kindergarten program later.
It is important for families to carefully consider if their child is ready for 4 year old kindergarten as the following year, the child will attend school.
Please note children do not need to be toilet trained to attend Kindergarten.
How are kindergarten places offered?
Melton City Council allocates kindergarten places fairly and transparently via a priority of access.
All remaining children are randomly ordered via a ballot to be allocated to their highest available preference. There is no ‘first in, first served’ rule.
If your preferred kindergarten(s) are full, you will remain on a wait list.
Families will receive information from kindergartens directly regarding orientation details.
Non-resident applications will be reviewed by our Director City Life as they are submitted and you will be notified of the outcome.
What different kinds of kindergarten services are available?
Sessional kindergarten programs operate in line with the school term.
Funded 3 year old Kindergarten programs operate for a minimum of five hours per week, and four year old programs operate for a total of fifteen hours per week.
Kindergarten programs in long day care settings can provide flexibility for parents/carers who have commitments during standard working hours. Long day care centres typically operate for at least eight hours a day for a minimum of fourty eight weeks per year and charge on a per-day basis. Children can access a funded kindergarten program at many long day care centres.
Council does not manage registrations for kindergarten programs at long day care centres. Please contact centres directly for more information.
All funded kindergarten programs are delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher.
Is 3 year old funded kindergarten available in the City of Melton?
The Victorian Government is investing in kindergarten for all three year olds; giving all children an extra year of learning playing and making friends. Children in the City of Melton will be able to access a minimum of five hours of three year old funded kindergarten per week. Registrations for funded three year old kindergarten at 27 kindergarten locations will be managed by the Melton City Council Central Registration and Enrolment scheme.
You can register your child online for Kindergarten 2025.
If you are unable to submit your form online, you can obtain a hard copy form at one at the below locations:
- Melton Civic Centre, 232 High Street Melton
- Melton Library and Learning Hub, 31 McKenzie Street Melton
- Caroline Springs Library, 193-199 Caroline Springs Blvd, Caroline Springs
Your child must be three years old by 30 April the year your child attends kindergarten to be eligible for a funded 3 year old kindergarten place.
What is the cost of kindergarten registration?
There is no longer a registration fee to any family wishing to register their child into kindergarten.
What is the cost of kindergarten?
Free kindergarten is available for both 3 and 4 year old kindergarten programs.
A critical part of the state governments Best Start, Best Life reform is Free Kindergarten, which will support access to two years of kindergarten for all Victorian children.
For more information regarding Free Kindergarten please visit
How do I choose the right kindergarten for my child?
Each child has unique needs and therefore families are encouraged to contact Kindergartens and/or arrange an appointment to visit preferred Kindergartens prior to completing the registration form.
Some things you might like to consider are:
- What is the kindergarten quality rating?
- What are the available sessions days and times and do these suit your family’s needs?
- What is the physical environment like? Does is feel safe and welcoming?
- What is the kindergarten philosophy and what types of activities do they provide?
Families are encouraged to 'look for the Kinder Tick' logo displayed at a service. When you see the Kinder Tick you can be confident :
- the program will be led by a qualified teacher
- children will benefit from play-based learning
- the kindergarten program is funded and approved by the Victorian Government
- the program complies with government guidelines and the National Quality Framework
Looking for a kindergarten location in a specific area?
Visit: Find a Kinder Program - Department of Education and Training , Victoria website.
Please note: you will be able to locate specific Kindergartens by entering a postcode. As a result, not all of these Kindergartens will be located in the City of Melton or form part of the Melton City Council Kindergarten Registrations.
Does my child need to be immunised to attend kindergarten?
Under the ‘No Jab, No Play’ legislation, before enrolling a child into Kindergarten you must first obtain evidence that the child is:
- fully immunised for their age OR
- on a vaccination catch-up program OR
- unable to be fully immunised for medical reasons.
‘Conscientious objection’ is not an exemption under the ‘No Jab No Play’ legislation.
You will be required to provide your selected Kindergarten with a copy of your child’s immunisation status to confirm registration.
What days and times does kindergarten operate?
Individual kindergarten session times vary from year to year. Please contact kindergarten providers below directly for an indication of session times offered in the current year.
Ph: 1300 677 275
(Bellevue Hill, Burnside, Deanside, Diggers Rest, Eynesbury, Kingsway, Melton West, Mt Carberry, Parkwood Green, Plumpton, Rockbank and Thornhill Park Kindergartens).
Ph: 8481-1100
(Brookside, Cambrian Way, Arnolds Creek, Melton Central, Mt Atkinson and Bridge Road Kindergartens).
Ph: 9312-3689
(Brookfield, Botanica Springs Fraser Rise and Taylors Hill Kindergartens).
Uniting Victoria Tasmania
Ph: 03 5330 9652
(Melton Uniting Kindergarten).
One Tree Community Services:
Ph: 1800 919 995
Kindergartens operating within a school site are delivered by the school:
Kororoit Creek: Ph: 8358 0600
Springside: Ph: 9449 6402
Creekside :Ph: 8363 6400
What is Early Start Kindergarten?
Early Start Kindergarten (ESK) was introduced in response to research showing that two years of quality education and care prepares children for success at school and leads to positive impacts later in life.
ESK provides free Kindergarten for:
- All three year old Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
- Three year old children known to Child Protection or referred from Child Protection to The Orange Door
- Refugee and asylum seeker children
Children must be aged at least three years by 30 April in the year they enrol to be eligible for a place. Children can only start ESK after they have turned three years of age.
Children participating in ESK may also be eligible for the Access to Early Learning Program.
What is the Koorie Kids Shine Initiative?
Koorie Kids Shine was launched by the Victorian Government to help promote participation by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children in kindergarten.
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children can get up to fifteen hours of free kindergarten each week. To be eligible, your child must turn three or four years old by 30 April in the year they go to kindergarten.
More information
What if I think my child may need support at kindergarten?
The Preschool field Officer (PSFO) program, funded by the Department of Education, is available to support the inclusion and participation of children in State Government funded 3 and 4 year old kindergarten programs including Early Start Kindergarten and Access to Early Learning, and to build the capacity of educators.
Learn more about the Preschool Field Officer Program, contact the team on 9747 5316, or email for more information.
What if my child needs a second year of funded 4 year old kindergarten?
During the Kindergarten year, the early childhood teacher and the child’s parent/guardian will work together to plan for the child’s transition to school. This will involve open and honest communication about the child’s learning and development and strategies to facilitate a smooth transition.
Where a child is observed to display delays in key outcome areas of learning and development, the possibility of a second year of funded Kindergarten may be considered. However, a second year should only be considered if Kindergarten will be the most appropriate environment to address the child’s delays in development. Children can develop at different rates and some children may develop at a slower rate than others.
From the time of registration, regular communication between the parent/guardian and the early childhood teacher in relation to a child’s learning and development is important. If a parent/guardian and/or early childhood teacher observes any concerns with a child's learning or development, strategies can be planned and implemented to support the child in those specific areas.
When considering whether a second year of funded Kindergarten will benefit a child, the early childhood teacher and parent/guardian must ensure that the child meets the eligibility criteria for a second year.
Determining eligibility for a second year of funded 4 year old kindergarten
An assessment of the child is undertaken and a Declaration of Eligibility for a second year of funded Kindergarten is completed and sent to the appropriate Departmental regional office. DE is responsible for approving second year requests.
It is important that teachers ensure the plans and forms are completed accurately as they will be subject to annual audit processes undertaken by DE.
Eligibility criteria
The early childhood teacher can deem a child is eligible to receive a second year of funded 4 year old Kindergarten if:
- the child is observed as having delays in at least two outcome areas of learning and development detailed in the Victorian Early Years and Development Framework, and
- there is evidence to suggest that the child will achieve better outcomes if he/she attends a second year of Kindergarten to strengthen the learning and development of skills in these areas and better facilitate transition to school the following year.
Children who have been granted early entry to Kindergarten (i.e. children who are less than four years of age by 30 April in the year they attend a funded Kindergarten program) are not eligible to apply for a second year of funded Kindergarten, unless they are enrolled under the Early Start Kindergarten criteria.
What is the National Quality Framework?
A Regulatory Authority in each state and territory will be primarily responsible for administering the National Quality Framework.
The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority will oversee the National Quality Framework and ensure the consistent and effective implementation of the new system.
National Quality Standard
The National Quality Standard sets a national benchmark for the quality of education and care services.
The National Quality Standard is divided into seven Quality Areas:
- Educational program and practice
- Children’s health and safety
- Physical environment
- Staffing arrangements
- Relationships with children
- Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
- Leadership and service management
The National Quality Standard aims to promote:
- The safety, health and wellbeing of children
- A focus on achieving outcomes for children through high-quality educational programs
- Families’ understanding of what distinguishes a quality service.
National Quality Rating and Assessment Process
Kindergarten's will be assessed and rated against each of the seven Quality Areas of the National Quality Standard and the National Regulations. They will also be given an overall rating. The assessment and rating process aims to drive continuous quality improvement at services and provide families with better information for making choices about their children’s education and care. Early childhood experts and professionals maintain that quality is critical when it comes to early childhood education and care.
Other useful information
Change of information(DOCX, 102KB)
Kindergarten Central Registration Policy(PDF, 262KB)
Kindergarten Central Registration Procedure(PDF, 215KB)
Department of Education and Training
For more information, contact our Kindergarten Central Registration Team on 9747 7284, or by email at
If sessional kindergarten hours do not meet the needs of your family, a funded kindergarten program in a Long Day Care centre may meet your needs. Please contact Long Day Care Centres directly.